Saturday, December 8


You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
~ John 14:14

I am thankful today for the Bible's repetition. There are so many messages God sends through His written word, that He knows we need to hear more than once. Promises, especially the ones like John 14:14, the ones that are hard to really believe - God repeats them in various places.

The beauty of hiding God's Word in your heart through meditation and memorization, is that the principle begins to live and breath in the inside of you. God's truth becomes your reality . . . and as a result you can begin to operate according to that truth. As His disciples, we can begin to discern the lies and throw them headlong into the nearest garbage bin.

There is something I want to ask God for, but I find myself a little bit sheepish. (Kinda funny since we are His sheep. Just a thought.) What if He says no? What if He says yes? Are my motives pure? What would something like this mean ? What will it require of me and how will it change me? I have experienced the yeses and the nos from our loving God on one occasion or another. His answers always align with His character and His will.

Because God answers our prayers in direct connection with His plan and purpose, there really is no need for fear in the asking. If it is a no, then I can trust that it wasn't God's best for me. And if it is a yes, then I'd better buckle my seat belt for another descent off of the precipice called faith.

I decided a while back that fear just wasn't going to be an option for me anymore. No looking back. After all, what have I got to lose? Everything I will ever need is found in my relationship with the Lord.

And promise after repetitive promise, I am told that he will never let me go.

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