Wednesday, August 27

A Few Crumbs

"How many loaves do you have?" ~ Matthew 15:34

I've seen God work miracles through my cousin Jodie. I am so proud of her. From Awana commander and chief, to the simplicity of genuine friendship - she sets a great example for all of us.

It was a lazy summer afternoon, and I remember puttering around the office tending to this and that. Out of nowhere, inspiration hit me, and I knew I needed to pick up the phone. Makayla was old enough to play soccer. So was Lilly. Like a tornado, thoughts began swirling around my head - thoughts of large hair bows and pink soccer cleats.

Knowing I would be taking the jump with her, I dialed the phone. We had talked about coaching together before, but with the deadline staring us in the face, this was the moment of truth. After thinking it over and praying it through, Jodie was up for the challenge.

Neither one of us had much to bring to the table. We'd never coached before. I guess you could say we had a measly basket with a few crumbs.

Monday came, and as each family joined us at Dennis Earl for practice, I watched the miracle unfold. One kid after another was greeted by Coach Jodie, with open arms and a warm heart. I watched Jodie work her magic for the next hour, as kids were instructed, nurtured and loved. Standing close by, as her assistant, I marveled at how fulfilling it can be to watch another person shine.

Opportunities come a knocking every single day. Often times we don't feel like we have enough to bring to the table, so we'll shrug our shoulder and brush off something God has in the makes. A bit of time here, not much skill or experience there. But when God initiates things through inspiration of the Holy Spirit - when He wants to feed lives - we don't have to worry about the few crumbs left in our baskets. God alone will do the feeding. Our job is to show up.

So what have you been tossing around in your brain lately? Been contemplating stepping out, but feel ill equipped? Take comfort my friend, God promises to go with you. If it's His call, He will be certain to show up, take over and run the show.

Do proceed with wisdom though. Not everything that is dangled in front of our noses would be beneficial. Take some time, pray it through.

Jesus fed the multitude with the benevolence of a young boy and his lunch. He wants to do the same through you. Never underestimate the power of a poured out heart. God will use every ounce of love you are willing to give.

Ministry is often times born of inspiration.

Be listening.

Tuesday, August 26


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom . . . ~ Proverbs 9:10

We all have weak spots. Places that seem insurmountable. Demons that keep revisiting. The enemy will go for the chink in your armor every time. He likes to play dirty.

It is a beautiful Saturday morning. I find myself in the throws of nature. All signed up to join the Jr. High kids for camping, I grab my courage (what little is there) and join the bunch for a nature walk. These youngin's are leaping to and fro without any effort or hesitation. I, on the other hand, want to park underneath the closest tree and read a book. But still, I press on.

We reach our destination, and a hundred feet below sits a beautiful creek filled with fresh water. Large boulders and loose dirt blaze the trail to the oasis. From underneath the shaded tree, I watch as every person, child and adult heads down the dusty trail. I participate with eyes only, and decide to stay where it is shady and safe. Watching from a bird's eye view was this girl's fancy. I was not wired to trample around in mud and sand. Some may call that fear, but I liken it to wisdom.

Taking a step toward God's voice takes a lot more courage than I can ever muster up. I am not much of a thrill seeker myself, usually retreating to the safest and most comfortable spot. I am sort of an inside girl, I guess you could say, when it comes to - well, a lot of things.

Hearing His voice and responding will often times mean recognizing who God made in you. There is freedom in the embrace of yourself. We long to fit in, and will often times try and alter our own personality to fit the mold. Which mold? If I remember correctly, God created each of us unique - there are no two of us alike in the whole world . . . in all of history.

The chinks in our armor can often times go unseen. Being down on yourself for not being just like everybody else is a slippery slope. Don't go there.

God made you the way you are on purpose - for a purpose.

If jumping into fresh water with reckless abandonment is your thing - then go for it! But if you'd rather park it underneath the cool shade of a tree, then have a seat my friend.

Fear can be pretty sneaky.

Fear of the Lord can keep all other fears at bay -- even the fear of knowing and trusting yourself.

Monday, August 25


"Lord if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." ~ Matthew 14:28

So many times I've heard myself send that same question to the sky. "Lord, is that you?" Darkness looms. The wind and the waves threaten to sink me for good. But walking on water is worth the risk. Jesus is worth the risk.

I'd like to write today about some friends of mine who are stepping out onto that water. Greg and Sandy Hazenburg, God's chosen ones for a task of great magnitude. They have heard the call. Throwing caution to the wind, they are stepping out of the safety of a boat that has kept them afloat for a long time . . . all for the sake of grabbing God's hand.

With a heart for the west side of Turlock, these special friends will be planting a brand new baby church. Being pregnant with this dream for a year now, this birth brings great joy. Prayer walks, contact with families, visions and leadings from the Holy Spirit - they walk forward with much to tend to - many lives to impact. I am so proud of them for taking this step.

God asks all of his disciples to take a very uncomfortable and risky step at some point. My experience has been that He asks several times -- all for the sake of knowing Him. It may not necessarily be to plant a church, but we've all been called to leave everything behind to follow Christ.

So what has God been calling you to do? Has it seemed impossible? Crazy even? There is one surefire way of knowing God's voice amidst the wind and the waves. Great precipice jumps and high wire acts of service to God have strengthened my listening skills through the years.

If you are ready to take that step, and can't be sure if it is in fact the Lord calling your name, then ask yourself this question . . .

Where is your peace?

While steps towards God will often times cause us to grow in leaps and bounds, and even break our hearts in two -- peace is always present when it is Jesus calling out.

It's okay to ask Him, "Lord, is that you?"

When His answer comes, I want to encourage you - don't hesitate a single moment. Blessing awaits. Something brand new longs to be born.

Take courage from Greg and Sandy's example.

It's time to step out of that boat.

To get a taste of the incredible ministry God is calling Greg and Sandy to, visist