I've seen God work miracles through my cousin Jodie. I am so proud of her. From Awana commander and chief, to the simplicity of genuine friendship - she sets a great example for all of us.
It was a lazy summer afternoon, and I remember puttering around the office tending to this and that. Out of nowhere, inspiration hit me, and I knew I needed to pick up the phone. Makayla was old enough to play soccer. So was Lilly. Like a tornado, thoughts began swirling around my head - thoughts of large hair bows and pink soccer cleats.
Knowing I would be taking the jump with her, I dialed the phone. We had talked about coaching together before, but with the deadline staring us in the face, this was the moment of truth. After thinking it over and praying it through, Jodie was up for the challenge.
Neither one of us had much to bring to the table. We'd never coached before. I guess you could say we had a measly basket with a few crumbs.
Monday came, and as each family joined us at Dennis Earl for practice, I watched the miracle unfold. One kid after another was greeted by Coach Jodie, with open arms and a warm heart. I watched Jodie work her magic for the next hour, as kids were instructed, nurtured and loved. Standing close by, as her assistant, I marveled at how fulfilling it can be to watch another person shine.
Opportunities come a knocking every single day. Often times we don't feel like we have enough to bring to the table, so we'll shrug our shoulder and brush off something God has in the makes. A bit of time here, not much skill or experience there. But when God initiates things through inspiration of the Holy Spirit - when He wants to feed lives - we don't have to worry about the few crumbs left in our baskets. God alone will do the feeding. Our job is to show up.
So what have you been tossing around in your brain lately? Been contemplating stepping out, but feel ill equipped? Take comfort my friend, God promises to go with you. If it's His call, He will be certain to show up, take over and run the show.
Do proceed with wisdom though. Not everything that is dangled in front of our noses would be beneficial. Take some time, pray it through.
Jesus fed the multitude with the benevolence of a young boy and his lunch. He wants to do the same through you. Never underestimate the power of a poured out heart. God will use every ounce of love you are willing to give.
Ministry is often times born of inspiration.
Be listening.