Saturday, July 28

Tuckered Out

Makayla's princess party was this afternoon. Let's see, we had ten princesses and one birthday girl who thought she was queen.

The girls spent the afternoon swimming, and I enjoyed playing hostess. A special thanks to the moms who decided to stay. They were a big help with taking pictures and cleaning up. Mark and the boys had left the premises. No princess party for them. Those were "the queen's" careful instructions.

I feel pretty tuckered out tonight. I am fighting a sinus infection, so I can't wait to take a hot bath and curl up with a good book.

It has been a very blessed day. I am so grateful to know that I belong to the One True King. He is captivated by twirling princesses and tuckered out servants.

Tonight I find myself a little of both.

Friday, July 27

Winding Down

Summer is beginning to wind down for us. I only have four more days, and then my "time off" will officially be over. The kids will start school on the 7Th, so lazy days are starting to slip away. Slip as they may . . .

I have become pretty well accustomed to this whole "relaxing" thing. As a matter of fact, I am having a hard time getting myself motivated to do much of anything. My lawn chair and a good book calls out above my need to vacuum and dust. Errands seem intrusive and making dinner a real chore. (Oh ya, I said I wouldn't complain about that - oops!) I think it's safe to say that I have fully transferred into summer mode.

But it should be pretty easy to switch gears again. There is a part of my personality that looks forward to getting back to routine. I thrive on schedules and predictability. I've got a mess of ideas to implement for next year. A writing deadline taps me on the shoulder, and I look forward to running a household again.

So why do I share all of this with you? To encourage you to take notice. Wherever you find yourself - God is there. He accompanies every vacation and every dip in the pool. His presence sits on the prelude to Fall, when back to school supplies and harvest decorations cover your kitchen table. He centers Himself on every emotion, every anticipation and fear. He is ever present.

God is not limited to the quiet pocket of prayer you squeeze in here and there. He's not confined to appearances on Sunday mornings, or to deep Bible study discussions. God embodies every moment, wanting so much to be with you. He is a faithful Companion, riding the summers and the winters of life with you.

So whether you find yourself lounging on your favorite chair, or charting the course for next year . . . stop a moment and take notice. He is closer than your next breath. And His Word promises that if you love Him - goodness will be a part of everything you do.

Thursday, July 26

In The Waiting

God has been trying to teach me something for some time now, and I have to confess - I am just not getting it. Anybody been there?

If I could summarize the past year or so, I would have to say that God has been trying to teach me the art of patience. I can honestly say that I don't remember praying for such an attribute. Maybe somebody else noticed I needed help in this area and prayed for me. Or maybe God, for the sake of sanctification, knew that I needed the sandpaper applied on this rough area of my heart.

I feel like I've been waiting an eternity at this bus stop called life, sitting in a waiting room that never calls my name. "So what have you been waiting for?" you ask. Funny question, there are hundreds of things - some big and some small.

Here are some examples: I'd like to know specifically what women's ministries will look like next year, I'd like to know when to speak and when to be silent over some issues that are dear to my heart, and the biggie is - I'd like to know what the next season holds for me and my family. And why am I so fixated on knowing? It is pretty simple . . . I think it's because I am afraid.

I fear I won't be good enough, that I won't say the right things, that maybe I'll say too much or not enough. I fear the unknown, so I want as many details as possible so that I can try and plan my way out of worry. In other words, I want control. If I know exactly what next year will look like, then I won't have to step out in faith. If I know exactly how every conversation I will ever have is going to go, then I wouldn't need the help of the Holy Spirit. And even more, if I knew what the next season held, I would not have to lean on God's promises so much.

I have known for some time that this whole quandary is about more than just getting the answers I'm looking for. What we're dealing with here is a heart issue. The truth is, I am not completely trusting God - and to be honest, with these issues, I don't remember how. This is all so basic and fundamental . . . why this struggle? Why now?

Maturity is something God wants for this worn out soul. He desires that for every one of His children. And He will use whatever it takes to form us into the image of His Son. Tragedy, illness, heart brake - and yes, even silence. Waiting builds character traits like nothing else can. Let's see, when we are called upon to wait, faith can be strengthened, prayer practiced, and the Word of God clung too. Sounds to me like a great opportunity to get closer to God. Hmmmm . . . hasn't that been my prayer all along?

Stay with me here. Could it be that God may be answering the noblest of my requests to "be with Him" through this season waiting? If I really think about it, I am powerless - paralyzed really without His intervention. He is my Source, my Comfort and the One I long for as I lean out to look toward the horizon.

Jesus was never in a hurry, and always on time. He never worried himself sick over imagined scenarios, or assumed the worst to keep from being disappointed. Jesus had His eyes on the Father, always ready to answer the call - even the call to wait.

If you are the one who was praying for my patience, thank you. It is excruciating at times, but I can see now that I will know Him better through this. And when the answers do finally come, I have a feeling they won't matter so much anymore

. . . for I will have been with the One who holds them all.

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew thier strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagels,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
~ Isaiah 40:31 ~

Wednesday, July 25

The Nilli's

When I think back to the magic of moving into Turlock, I think of one family - the Nilli's. They were the first family to purchase a home on our block, and the one family that made an unfamiliar place feel so much like home.

Positioned dead center in the middle of our street, the Nilli family was like the glue that brought all of us together. Outdoor BBQ's, 4Th of July fireworks, Christmas lights galore . . . everything they did was with their whole heart. I have great memories of those early years in our brand new home. Most of them include Steve and Lisa. I remember thinking that we had moved into a dream.

My phone rang this afternoon. It was a call from Kentucky. I normally ignore those calls, often times it will be a telemarketer. But something told me to pick it up. It was Derek (their second son) saying they were on their way into the neighborhood. It was such a great surprise.

Their move to Kentucky some years ago has always left a void. I remember the day their Winnebago drove out of the cul-de-sac. I cried off and on for the rest of the evening. The holidays have never been the same without Lisa's baking and Steve's tinkering. I am making these folks sound like the Walton's or something, and they are really just regular people. But God knit our hearts together in those tender years while we borrowed cups of sugar and traded lawn equipment.

Today's visit was really special. They have a fourteen month old little boy named Hunter, and aside from pictures, it was the first time we've seen him. Lisa was reminding me about how I would always ask her how she got everything done (I used to be the one with little ones). And now she is asking me for advice about all of that stuff. She made me appreciate the season I am stepping into. With all of my kids starting school this fall I might actually enjoy a little peace and quiet. We have come to the conclusion that when the kids are babies, you're just going to be exhausted. This too shall pass.

A wonderful Christian family who modeled what loving others really looks like. Some people come into your life and go without leaving a mark. Then there are people like the Nilli's who somehow always stay.

Tuesday, July 24

People Watching

Mark and I had a wonderful time at the Giants game last night. We headed up to San Francisco after sharing a quiet lunch alone, and then walked the ballpark strip waiting for the gates to open.

I am not a huge sports fan. To be completely honest, I could take it or leave it. My Dad was never into sports growing up, so the idea of watching a baseball game on TV was foreign to me. None of our family outings included a trip to the ballpark. Sports has always been something I've shrugged at - that is, until I hooked up with Mark. He is still trying to convince me that SportsCenter isn't torture. Ugh!!

It was great being a part of the excitement last night. Seeing the celebrities strut their stuff was really something. But what fascinated me more than watching Barry Bonds take the plate, more than the size of the stadium and the excitement in the air . . . was the people! I absolutely LOVE to watch people. And God provided quite a tapestry last night.

Let's face it. People are pretty funny looking. I saw some humble and plain folk, some fancy pants media type, the young adult tyrant with foul language and rude remarks. I saw some old dear souls with earplugs in, and some young whipper snappers devouring hand fulls of goodies. Most of them were decorated with the Giants logo . . . each with their own story - every one of them dearly loved by God. I tried to catch bits of conversations (maybe I'm a little bit nosey), to see what was going on in their lives. Some talked about work, others about the weekend, some about summer vacations and even about trips to the doctor.

There was one moment when I took a look around the stadium, and tried to comprehend the fact that the God I love and serve knows each of these people intimately. In fact, he knows what they are thinking every moment. He knows what they had for lunch, what their plans for the weekend are, and whether or not they are right with Him. And those were just the people my eyes could see . . . God does that with every single human being that has or will ever exist! Now that is something to stand up and shout about.

I learned a lot from watching people yesterday, but the greatest lesson was this. Major league baseball brings people of diversity together. People of every background, every corner of the world, all coming together for one common purpose. To cheer the Giants on. There were even the canoe guys out in the bay . . . I watched them for a good ten minutes. I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. The guy with the Santa hat was my favorite.

I guess you could say that I am an official Giants fan now. I'm "one of the crowd" and grateful to be one of God's funny looking creatures. He certainly had a sense of humor when He made us.

One look at the Barry Bonds bobble head, and you know I'm right.

Monday, July 23

Math Test

Did somebody say math test?

I don't have much time to write this afternoon. Mark and I are heading to San Francisco to see the Giants this evening. We are going to make a day of it. We'll start with lunch - just the two of us. It will great having some time alone.

My interview seemed to go pretty well this morning, minus the math test. It was fifth grade math and I had to guess on some of them. I thought the "Tell me about yourself" question was bad. Oh well, I guess we all have our weaknesses.

I am praying that God will choose the right person for the job. If it ends up being me . . . it could change everything.

I rest patiently in the palm of my Maker.

Sunday, July 22


A new season will sometimes present a person with some options. There are choices to make - the big and the small ones, each determining the course of our lives. Pastor Dave made mention today of his new teaching series beginning in August. It will be called "Doors".

I had to smile as I thought about the new season I am stepping into. As I search for a part-time job, there are a couple of really good opportunities presenting themselves. My prayer has been, "Lord, please open and close the doors of Your choosing."

I look forward with excitement as I wonder where I will be serving my King next year. Will it be door number one or door number two? Only my Beloved knows. What joy and sorrow stand behind each choice. GOD'S WILL . . . this is my desire.

My heart's cry has been, "Wherever You lead me, whatever task You assign - I just wanna be with You."

(By the way, the second call came on Friday afternoon. I have an interview tomorrow morning with door number two.)