Thursday, October 2

Junk Drawer

This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. ~ 1 John 3:19,20

Junk drawers. They have an amazing knack for collecting, well . . . junk. My husband would tell you that we have far too many of these nuisances hidden in cabinets and furniture. While I get just as annoyed when I am trying to find that roll of scotch tape - I would have to say that I am an advocate for such drawers. With a little bit of tidying, they have become our family's favorite place to dig.

Getting home from work today, I reached in to locate a pen. I had a check to write, and while I was able to grab this writing utensil with ease, it was the rest of the gobbledygook that sent my blood pressure rising. For the next twenty minutes I dumped the drawer, and proceeded to put the junk back, in a more organized manner.

This is where the fun began. Purging papers and broken toys, old batteries and objects I could not determine the origin of -- they were all tossed. All that remained was a stack of sharpened pencils, some pens, our keys and a stack of gift cards. Glasses, a ruler and that role of scotch tape were tucked along the side of the organized compartments.

It got me thinking today, about how many times my heart will wind up just as much of a mess. The busyness of life causes things to get misplaced. God will reveal the contents through the tenderness of His Word, and like a busting drawer of junk, I feel like tossing the whole package altogether.

While we all may have some pruning to do now and then, God never instructs us to get rid of the whole tree. Character may need some sharpening, and a little of this and that arranged. But the purpose of the drawer (your heart) will always remain the same.

As God molds and shapes you into the image of His Son, never make the mistake of thinking you are a lost cause. We all struggle with weak areas. We make mistakes, we fall down. If God does not condemn you, then why should you?

Be at rest fellow soldier. God is so much greater than our untidy and sometimes wayward hearts. Get working on that drawer and don't forget to save the redeemable parts. While you may struggle with discerning the treasure from the trash, God is ready and able to help you sort the mess out.

He can show you which parts to save. God knows everything.

Wednesday, October 1


As calendar pages flip and seasons change, we take note of special dates. Landmarks cause us to stop and take in the wonder of it all. Holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays are reasons to celebrate life.

I celebrate today for a couple of reasons. One reason, is that today is a very special friend's birthday. Truly a God-send, she is somebody that have found to be a catalyst to my growth. We dream, we celebrate and cry together. I could not even begin to express what her presence in my life has meant. My beautiful friend, you know who you are -- Happy Birthday, I love you!

Another reason I slap this scrumptious looking piece of cake up, is for the fact that I celebrate one year of working for New Life. It was one year ago today that I stepped into a position that I feel I was born for. I LOVE my job. I love the nature of what I do, the challenges, the people I interact with on a daily basis. The opportunities for growth, the ministry . . . all of it! God has truly answered this girl's prayer with a chance to shine His light every day.

Anniversaries are markers, proof that we have been here. Long after we have ascended into heaven, those people we influenced will continue to celebrate the beautiful things about our contribution to the world.

Who have you influenced today? Bringing somebody joy can be pretty simple. A smile, a note of encouragement, offering a favor -- extending grace.

Every day given is a gift from God. Every year marked, is proof that there is life after the pain.

Celebrate with me! Our God is so good.

Tuesday, September 30


In the same way, the Spirit help us in our weakness.  We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.  ~ Romans 8:26,27

My message is simple today. A picture is worth a thousand words. I will let it speak for itself . . .

What does this image say to your heart?

Don't think, just respond. 

Immediately, time is of the essence -- don't wait.

There is so much He longs to accomplish.


Monday, September 29

Paper or Plastic

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. ~ 1 Peter 4:9

It was Saturday afternoon. Makayla and I had just swept through Food Max, picking up the week's nutrition. Food items had been payed for, and a line made of munchies sat patiently on the conveyor belt.

I made my way to the end of the line, ready to begin the packing process. This is when she came into view. She offered to help in a polite but insistent way. I stepped aside, ever so grateful - and began watching ministry at its best.

Many times I find myself having to bagging groceries myself - which I really don't mind. To be honest, there is something kind of fun about the whole process, getting to step into the role of grocery bagger for a couple of minutes. Like a little girl playing house, I delight in the daydream.

Most grocery baggers would probably not share my same enthusiasm. Many of the baggers who offered to help in the past, did so in the same polite way . . . but something was different about today. Something was different about this particular bagger. She went above and beyond the typical "paper or plastic" sentiment. She was out to make every bit of our grocery experience fun.

As Makayla and I stood still, we all chatted while she packed. Careful about what went in which bag, she kept the colds separate. Every bag was strategically placed. Fruit and bread rested on the top.

We learned a lot about this angel in disguise that day. As a mother of four herself, she had a very different view of a trip to the grocery store, and a very special attitude about her job. Unlike the usual teenage boy baggers, this mom worked with a unique kind of enthusiasm.

With attention to detail and playful conversation, this woman's ministry was amazing. A kind word, a smile . . . getting someone to giggle can bring joy to any monotonous chore.

Who would have thought? A grocery store can be a great place to shine. I am grateful for this dear woman's example. She made the best of her circumstances and whistled while she worked, sending us home with a song of our own.

I admired her silent ministry, and thanked God for such heart.