Saturday, February 14

Just Right

"A little to the left, now the right. No, up . . . then down. Tweak the color a little - now change it back."

This has been my inner dialogue while creating a masterful website. Wanting to get it perfect has me working far too long on a project that really needs to be checked off. Excellence is something wonderful to strive for, when perfection becomes my focus, I find myself tipping the scale of insanity.

My pursuit of perfection can get me so twisted up. I find it in hundreds of places throughout my day, from getting my hair to cooperate to getting my kids to cooperate. Getting the beds made perfectly, working to edit a writing piece to death, to even feeling a failure in my relationships -- the underlying motivation is something I don't like to admit. I strive to keep things looking perfect because it gives me the illusion of being in control.

These perfectionist tendencies will often transfer over to my relationship with God. I strive for the perfect looking "quite time" and feel a failure if it doesn't look just right. Working to keep my heart pure, and my mind full of His precepts magnifies the untidiness of my heart.

As I learn to let go of my need to control through the avenue of perfection, I find that being true to myself is going to be messy. Relationships are rarely tidy and controllable - especially a relationship with the Living God.

A picture perfect snapshot of the beach shows miles of untouched and perfectly smooth sand. Personally, I prefer a photo with swirls of footprints side by side - God's and mine.

"Yes, right down the center . . . good. Now that's just right."

Sunday, February 8

Donut Crumbs

I find no time to write, no time to be alone to connect with YOU. Running on empty, filling myself with the indulgence of donuts and extra sleep.

I take a seat on the floor of my bedroom this afternoon, and find the two doves that so often usher peace into my heart. They are seated on the fence, and look as if they have been waiting for me to slow down and take notice. Companions for life, true to one another through any storm.

Time for my writing finds no home. Time with God finds no chair - only the empty one I pass about a hundred times a day. So patiently YOU wait for me to notice.

So I offer the space and the place that follows me from one chore to the next - my heart. YOU are always with me, but rarely enjoyed. My creative parts always seem to be spinning, searching for the right combination of vowels and verbs as I strive to snap a picture, to paint a portrait of YOU.

The doves are feeding now, as I should be. To open God's Word, to taste and truly see how sweet companionship can be.