You've probably heard it said that love is not a feeling. Love is an action. While emotions run the gamut, taking on a life of their own, our actions are something we should have more control of. A lot of times love demands the kinds of things we don't "feel like" doing right now. Love stretches us to the very limit of ourselves. It squeezes, pushes and pulls, leaving us spent and invigorated all at the same time.
When I think about some of the habits I am trying to form in my life, my need for God becomes very clear. Getting up early in the morning to write, staying on top of my reading, watering friendships and being attentive at home - these are all things I strive for. But without God's power, love and a sound mind, I would be far from reaching my dreams.
The same is true for love. God provides many opportunities throughout the day - will I choose the blessing or the curse? Will I love God and others, or be concerned with myself? True love is thinking of the other person first, putting my own needs on the back burner. Love is seeing the best, and believing the best.
Habits form with practice. How will you practice love today? God will present you with the opportunity - are you willing to set yourself aside?
Practice makes perfect . . . love demands all.