Sunday, December 9


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. ~ John 3:16,17

I am thankful today for God's grace. Truly, I should not be alive because of some of the choices I've made. God has drew me out of some pretty deep waters. He has set my feet upon a Rock . . . that Rock is Jesus.

I started reading an amazing book yesterday called "The Monday Morning Church". I have not been affected by a book this way in a really long time (with the exception of the Bible). There is a Holy Spirit anointing on this piece of work - revealing the heart of God and our responsibility as His disciples.

This book by Jerry Cook begins by taking a look at three of the ways that God has chosen to reveal Himself. First, we have the God of the Old Testament. With a large booming voice, he reveals Himself in a cloud or through the consuming fire of sacrifices. Only a select few were chosen to talk to God. And the idea of an encounter with God brought much fear to man. I don't see much about grace in these scenes . . . but that is what makes the next chapter to sweet. The Old Testament picture of God has me on my face in reverential awe.

Second, we see the tenderness of God in that sweet baby born to Mary. There is nothing threatening about a baby, and God chose to send Jesus this way to initiate the connection He desired all along - relationship. Imagine this, the King of all Kings, and Lord of Lords did not come to be served . . . wait a minute, think about that for a moment. Aren't kings supposed to be served? No, not this One . . . He came to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.

Third, God has manifest Himself in believers all over the world through the Holy Spirit. The first century church operated very much in the prompting and the empowerment of the One who filled them. That same Spirit (and manifestation of God) lives inside of you and me today! God chooses the weak and the foolish things to shame the wise. He wants to reveal Himself to this world through ordinary people just like you and me. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." What would God see if He visited your neck of the woods?

I've only read up to page 55 of this book but I've gotta tell you, there is something that has really caught my attention. If you've read Love Acceptance and Forgiveness, you will want to pick this one up too. It is the sequel.

For those of you who have read the first one, I have no doubts that your perspective has already been altered. In order for us to really operate in love, acceptance and forgiveness, we need to have confidence, courage and trust. That is what this second book talks about. So far, it has awakened my awareness of the continual presence of God . . . something I long for every moment.

Be encouraged today to know that God has the most amazing purpose for your life. You have been called to love Him and others. Your continual heart and attitude can be just like Jesus . . . as you carry around the following question. "What can I do for you?" Be ready with this kind of artillery, and God will present you with plenty of opportunities to shine for Him.

God so loved the world . . . he came as a little baby, to save the world from the separation of sin. The God who swallowed soldiers with the sea, and burned entire cities . . . leaving only a remnant few - He is also the God who sacrificed His own Son.

. . . Not to condemn - but to save.

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