I will be out of town this weekend, which means that I won't be able to post tomorrow. I squirm a little in my seat, knowing that it will but a kink in my stride - but then again, what is the purpose of my stride? To prove something to myself, or to stay consistent with my writing?
God and God alone has given me enough juice to keep posting every day. Whether I have material or not, He always provides me with a little something that I can babble on about. There is no moment insignificant to God, no blessing goes unnoticed when seen with His eyes.
I will have to say that the past hundred days or so have definitely cultivated my awareness of the presence of God. This exercise has forced me to take notice of where He is at work. Whether it has been a wonderfully energizing day, or a lousy drain - God has been faithful. He is working in and out of every single detail. God knows my heart and loves me anyway, and best of all - I could never lose that love.
As I head off to Women of Faith this weekend, I look forward to the worship. I could really do without the messages (although they are funny and inspiring), the paraphernalia they have for sale exceeds our budget right now, and hanging out with girlfriends takes a second to a heartfelt connection with the King. Connecting with Christ in an atmosphere of thousands . . . now that is worth losing a day's post over.
I'm sure that God will give me plenty of writing material this weekend. I will be in crowds of women, so my people watching antennae will be lifted. We have the trip up, and the trip back - and I'm sure there will be a story or two in there. But what I hope to capture most, is the impact God makes on a heart so incredibly desperate for Him.
Whether it ends up being through a strand of dental floss, or the embrace of Thelma Wells - my loving God will keep the stride going . . .
by making Himself unquestionably known.
Friday, October 5
Thursday, October 4
Give and Take
I don't have a lot of time to post this evening, as I want to spend some time with my husband before tuckering out.
This week has been a very interesting blend of joy and pain as I've begun to transition into my new job. One one side of the rainbow, I am elated, overwhelmed with joy and hopeful anticipation. While on the other side, I am faced with the reality of what working again really looks like.
There is truly nothing bad or difficult to report. I just need some time to settle in, as most things seems a bit overwhelming right now. It's been a while since I have worked in an office environment, and I think I just need to find my groove.
There is so much that has happened this week, sealing the deal for me. Nothing that could be checked off or even talked about - just a sense of peace and harmony letting me know that I am right where I belong. Confirmation like that can carry me through any kind of rough patch. I am so grateful for God's tenderness.
As I step into my weekend, I think on ways that I can organize and prioritize better for next week. With communication being key, I will probably have to sit down with some folks and find out what their expectations are, while setting some of my own boundaries and sticking with them.
I love my New Life family, and I feel so much closer to each and every person - even after only a week. There is something really special about sharing the ordinary moments with a group of people. From the quiet of a Monday morning, to the laughter of a Birthday card. Those times, when God is ever present, are anything but ordinary.
Lord, help me know what to surrender as I take on this new assignment. I know that I cannot have it all. In order to stay balanced, I must do a little bit of giving and taking. What will I need to surrender in this season? And what will you have me hold on to with both hands?
It's in the giving and the taking that we are molded into the image of Christ.
Lord, may there be less of me - and more of You.
This week has been a very interesting blend of joy and pain as I've begun to transition into my new job. One one side of the rainbow, I am elated, overwhelmed with joy and hopeful anticipation. While on the other side, I am faced with the reality of what working again really looks like.
There is truly nothing bad or difficult to report. I just need some time to settle in, as most things seems a bit overwhelming right now. It's been a while since I have worked in an office environment, and I think I just need to find my groove.
There is so much that has happened this week, sealing the deal for me. Nothing that could be checked off or even talked about - just a sense of peace and harmony letting me know that I am right where I belong. Confirmation like that can carry me through any kind of rough patch. I am so grateful for God's tenderness.
As I step into my weekend, I think on ways that I can organize and prioritize better for next week. With communication being key, I will probably have to sit down with some folks and find out what their expectations are, while setting some of my own boundaries and sticking with them.
I love my New Life family, and I feel so much closer to each and every person - even after only a week. There is something really special about sharing the ordinary moments with a group of people. From the quiet of a Monday morning, to the laughter of a Birthday card. Those times, when God is ever present, are anything but ordinary.
Lord, help me know what to surrender as I take on this new assignment. I know that I cannot have it all. In order to stay balanced, I must do a little bit of giving and taking. What will I need to surrender in this season? And what will you have me hold on to with both hands?
It's in the giving and the taking that we are molded into the image of Christ.
Lord, may there be less of me - and more of You.
Wednesday, October 3
By Suprise
It's been a very fun and interesting day so far. As I puttered around the office this morning, God brought me one little surprise after another, as a way to pull me out of a little slump.
At times serving in the ministry can be, well . . . difficult. I came into the office this morning, ready to tackle whatever the day would bring - with Jesus right by my side. An early phone call needing something done yesterday got me prepared for disaster mode. You know those kinds of days? When you just keep getting hit with one thing after another, and all you can really do is duck for cover?
As I drove down Monte Vista, I literally felt myself shift positions into defense mode. I knew that whatever awaited me today, that God would be with me to help me through every snag and tare. I did not move in expecting the worst - but I was prayerfully aware of the fact that anything could happen.
I slipped into my chair, and began working right away. Typing up and email, and making mental notes of some to-do's, I noticed something fantastic. To my surprise, the phone didn't attack me, nor did I get challenged by the postage machine. Instead, I was met with smiles and more smiles from guests and staff. I even had Batman and Spider man brush on by with condolences.
It may not seem like a very big deal to many - but the wonder of a smooth moving day is not something I take for granted. God used a hundred little loving gestures to remind me that I am right where I am supposed to be. That kind of confirmation can chase any slump away.
Look around you today. How has God's favor been chasing you? Was it the parade of green lights you hit this morning? Maybe your chicken salad sandwich was especially tasty, or you received a phone call from an old friend. These may seem like simple things -not even really big enough to notice, much less make mention of. But oh how breathtaking the view would be if we did.
God's loving embrace arrives in an interesting mix of packages. Each one always catches me by surprise.
At times serving in the ministry can be, well . . . difficult. I came into the office this morning, ready to tackle whatever the day would bring - with Jesus right by my side. An early phone call needing something done yesterday got me prepared for disaster mode. You know those kinds of days? When you just keep getting hit with one thing after another, and all you can really do is duck for cover?
As I drove down Monte Vista, I literally felt myself shift positions into defense mode. I knew that whatever awaited me today, that God would be with me to help me through every snag and tare. I did not move in expecting the worst - but I was prayerfully aware of the fact that anything could happen.
I slipped into my chair, and began working right away. Typing up and email, and making mental notes of some to-do's, I noticed something fantastic. To my surprise, the phone didn't attack me, nor did I get challenged by the postage machine. Instead, I was met with smiles and more smiles from guests and staff. I even had Batman and Spider man brush on by with condolences.
It may not seem like a very big deal to many - but the wonder of a smooth moving day is not something I take for granted. God used a hundred little loving gestures to remind me that I am right where I am supposed to be. That kind of confirmation can chase any slump away.
Look around you today. How has God's favor been chasing you? Was it the parade of green lights you hit this morning? Maybe your chicken salad sandwich was especially tasty, or you received a phone call from an old friend. These may seem like simple things -not even really big enough to notice, much less make mention of. But oh how breathtaking the view would be if we did.
God's loving embrace arrives in an interesting mix of packages. Each one always catches me by surprise.
Tuesday, October 2
Science Fair
A cruise around the school cafeteria sported some pretty interesting displays this afternoon. No, it wasn't hamburger helper or tater tots surprise, although that may have been served earlier in the day. What I speak of, is a jumble of innovation and creativity.
As I looked over each project tonight, I felt proud of my son. He and his friend Ben had been working diligently to get their car magnets to float. I was very impressed with the end result. They are hoping to win some kind of a prize. This being their last science fair project (of three) that would really top things off nicely.
Two years ago, Matthew, Ben and Elizabeth came up with a bottle rocket experiment. That was more than we all bargained for. Two liter coke bottles, and a home-made pump (made by one of the fathers) sent these rockets into the air at mystifying speed. There was a lot of material needed for that project, and there really wasn't much "weight" to the theory. But it was a lot of fun anyway.
Then last year, Matthew and a kid named Brian came up with the idea of proving whether or not brain freezes really happen. I don't know if they got the best score on that one, but I will say that our booth was the most popular. Ice cream for everyone! My wrist got pretty tired scooping, but it was great serving so many eager participants.
As I strolled around each project tonight, I felt a little twinge of sadness. This would be his last project before moving on to Jr. High. Every thought of that brings a panicked feeling to my heart. My kids are just growing up so fast, and I am powerless to stop it. I want to linger here, in grade school just a little longer.
From "what makes up our dreams" to "home run statistics" - all of the kids were really creative this year. It was neat to see what they all came up with. The different levels of excellence was something too. In other words, some had been worked on for weeks, while there were a couple of projects that you could tell were done the night before.
So what kind of project are you working on in this life? Does it have to do with the growth of a plant, or the acidity of a can of soda? Are you spending an adequate amount of time on God's assignment, or are you planning on cramming everything in last minute?
Another neat way to look at things, is to think about how each of us might be kind of like God's science fair project. We all have a unique set of components, our own set of questions to answer - and the conclusion is really up to us. Are we living a life God can be proud of?
Whether you spend a few short minutes, or a lifetime in His throne room - having a heart that is surrendered to Christ . . . will ALWAYS guarantee a prize.
As I looked over each project tonight, I felt proud of my son. He and his friend Ben had been working diligently to get their car magnets to float. I was very impressed with the end result. They are hoping to win some kind of a prize. This being their last science fair project (of three) that would really top things off nicely.
Two years ago, Matthew, Ben and Elizabeth came up with a bottle rocket experiment. That was more than we all bargained for. Two liter coke bottles, and a home-made pump (made by one of the fathers) sent these rockets into the air at mystifying speed. There was a lot of material needed for that project, and there really wasn't much "weight" to the theory. But it was a lot of fun anyway.
Then last year, Matthew and a kid named Brian came up with the idea of proving whether or not brain freezes really happen. I don't know if they got the best score on that one, but I will say that our booth was the most popular. Ice cream for everyone! My wrist got pretty tired scooping, but it was great serving so many eager participants.
As I strolled around each project tonight, I felt a little twinge of sadness. This would be his last project before moving on to Jr. High. Every thought of that brings a panicked feeling to my heart. My kids are just growing up so fast, and I am powerless to stop it. I want to linger here, in grade school just a little longer.
From "what makes up our dreams" to "home run statistics" - all of the kids were really creative this year. It was neat to see what they all came up with. The different levels of excellence was something too. In other words, some had been worked on for weeks, while there were a couple of projects that you could tell were done the night before.
So what kind of project are you working on in this life? Does it have to do with the growth of a plant, or the acidity of a can of soda? Are you spending an adequate amount of time on God's assignment, or are you planning on cramming everything in last minute?
Another neat way to look at things, is to think about how each of us might be kind of like God's science fair project. We all have a unique set of components, our own set of questions to answer - and the conclusion is really up to us. Are we living a life God can be proud of?
Whether you spend a few short minutes, or a lifetime in His throne room - having a heart that is surrendered to Christ . . . will ALWAYS guarantee a prize.
Monday, October 1
First Day
As I stepped into the church office this morning, something was different. Was it the strong smell of coffee brewing so early? Could it have been the boxes I carried in my arms? Maybe it was the way I sauntered in without any of my kids under tow.
No, those things weren't it. They may very well have all been true - but that's not what had me wide eyed and mystified. This day, the first of October 2007 I walked into the church office I have come to know and love - as an employee.
I felt a little bit nervous, not really knowing what to expect. What will it feel like to perch behind Kim's desk? Will I know how to do what I am asked to do? What if I accidentally hang up on somebody, or fumble through a phone call? What if I can't find the bathroom?
Okay, I'm being silly I know - but when you start a new job it is normal to have a few jitters. Everyone was very kind to me today, helping me get settled. Phil offered to hang some pictures, while Sandy gave me the grand tour. Janice trained me on phones and Leon stuck his tongue out at me.
I can't exactly describe what was different, except to say that something was. I still connected with the same people today that I normally do when I go into the office. I spent some time with Sandy, talking and laughing. Chuckled a little bit with Michelle about . . . well, I don't remember now. I sat with Janice for a bit and took some instructions from Pastor Dave. I even got tormented by Leon (it wouldn't be a real day without some of that).
Overall, I felt very much at home - and I look forward to going back again tomorrow. I am going to be really honest, and say that I have desired to work for the church for about seven years. There hasn't been any particular position I've had my eye on or anything - but to be a part of the family - a real part has been a prayer of mine for some time.
Maybe that is why is am so awestruck. The fulfillment of a dream that I've held for seven years has come to fruition. God opened doors that I could never have opened on my own - in His perfect timing. There is something that takes my breath away about His goodness.
So as I mosey on over to use the microwave for lunch, or fiddle with the office key to rummage through a cabinet . . . nothing will be nonchalant my activity. This girl knows that being here is a gift from God - and I don't take this privilege lightly.
Lord Jesus, every beat of my heart is one of thanks. Use me in this glorious place . . . as you see fit.
No, those things weren't it. They may very well have all been true - but that's not what had me wide eyed and mystified. This day, the first of October 2007 I walked into the church office I have come to know and love - as an employee.
I felt a little bit nervous, not really knowing what to expect. What will it feel like to perch behind Kim's desk? Will I know how to do what I am asked to do? What if I accidentally hang up on somebody, or fumble through a phone call? What if I can't find the bathroom?
Okay, I'm being silly I know - but when you start a new job it is normal to have a few jitters. Everyone was very kind to me today, helping me get settled. Phil offered to hang some pictures, while Sandy gave me the grand tour. Janice trained me on phones and Leon stuck his tongue out at me.
I can't exactly describe what was different, except to say that something was. I still connected with the same people today that I normally do when I go into the office. I spent some time with Sandy, talking and laughing. Chuckled a little bit with Michelle about . . . well, I don't remember now. I sat with Janice for a bit and took some instructions from Pastor Dave. I even got tormented by Leon (it wouldn't be a real day without some of that).
Overall, I felt very much at home - and I look forward to going back again tomorrow. I am going to be really honest, and say that I have desired to work for the church for about seven years. There hasn't been any particular position I've had my eye on or anything - but to be a part of the family - a real part has been a prayer of mine for some time.
Maybe that is why is am so awestruck. The fulfillment of a dream that I've held for seven years has come to fruition. God opened doors that I could never have opened on my own - in His perfect timing. There is something that takes my breath away about His goodness.
So as I mosey on over to use the microwave for lunch, or fiddle with the office key to rummage through a cabinet . . . nothing will be nonchalant my activity. This girl knows that being here is a gift from God - and I don't take this privilege lightly.
Lord Jesus, every beat of my heart is one of thanks. Use me in this glorious place . . . as you see fit.
Sunday, September 30
My tootsies are tired tonight. It's been one of those running kind of days for me. But I have not one complaint to speak of. A productive day is my favorite kind of day.
I am not sure what to write about tonight. You can only say so much about worn heels and tuckered out toes. Besides, who really wants to hear about my feet in such detail? They serve me well - I guess on most days. But as far as being the topic of conversation . . . well, minus the pedicure, there's really not much to talk about.
I was able to get my office a little bit tidier tonight, by accumulating all of my scrap pieces of paper onto one wall. I had dozens of Scripture verses, quotes and reminders posted everywhere. I think this is what was keeping my space from looking as tidy as I normally like. With all of them decorating the west wall now, it actually looks like something I've done on purpose. A colorful collage of pictures, drawings and promises now cover the soft blue paint.
Ginger rests quietly on the desk beside me. Yes, I did say on the desk. It is her favorite spot in the whole house. She is able to get up to my eye level while I type away, and she can see out the front window into the cul-de-sac. I've decided it's a battle not really worth fighting. Unless she has muddy feet, I don't mind much.
Well, it must be time to put Ginger's little tootsies to bed. What a gift this day has been.
I am not sure what to write about tonight. You can only say so much about worn heels and tuckered out toes. Besides, who really wants to hear about my feet in such detail? They serve me well - I guess on most days. But as far as being the topic of conversation . . . well, minus the pedicure, there's really not much to talk about.
I was able to get my office a little bit tidier tonight, by accumulating all of my scrap pieces of paper onto one wall. I had dozens of Scripture verses, quotes and reminders posted everywhere. I think this is what was keeping my space from looking as tidy as I normally like. With all of them decorating the west wall now, it actually looks like something I've done on purpose. A colorful collage of pictures, drawings and promises now cover the soft blue paint.
Ginger rests quietly on the desk beside me. Yes, I did say on the desk. It is her favorite spot in the whole house. She is able to get up to my eye level while I type away, and she can see out the front window into the cul-de-sac. I've decided it's a battle not really worth fighting. Unless she has muddy feet, I don't mind much.
Well, it must be time to put Ginger's little tootsies to bed. What a gift this day has been.
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