Saturday, July 14

Don't Miss This

I'd like to share a very intimate and special moment with all of you. It was something I experienced last night during our Harvest Crusade prayer time.

God's presence was so powerful as we gathered together. Every person sitting or standing represented the wonder of variety. We had so many people groups coming together: different denominations, races, experiences and backgrounds - all sharing one thing in common . . . a love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

During the last segment of our time together, we were encouraged to carry the burden of an unsaved loved one to the altar for prayer. I couldn't get there fast enough, as I knelt and wept for the one God had put on my heart. "Thank you . . . thank you . . . " was all I could utter.

After spending the rest of the evening out with some friends, I headed home. When I got there, I looked to see if anybody called. Low and behold, the person I travailed for hours earlier had called me the very moment I knelt at that altar.

Coincidence? I don't think so. Ladies and gentleman, the Spirit of God is on the move. He is going to reveal Himself to us like never before.


Friday, July 13

One Small Stone

Okay, here is something interesting that most of you don't know about me. I have a small bag of polished stones perched on my desk. They are representative of my battle against the Goliaths in my life. My Mordecai's got one just like it (you know who you are).

These pebbles serve as great reminders that as a disciple of Christ, I face a battle every day. My battle is against the forces of darkness - against giants who continually defy the armies of the Living God.

I want to share with you today an article that I submitted to a publication called "The Upper Room". My article was rejected. I am discovering that a writer's life is one that has to get used to rejection, so I am learning how to fail forward. I welcome rejection and constructive criticism - it helps make me a better writer. But anything that makes you better can make you uncomfortable and sometimes even hurt. I like to believe that even though this piece won't be published for millions to read, it was written for somebody - namely me.

Sharing my heart with all of you, means sharing my Goliaths. I pull a stone out of my bag today, and face the Giant of Rejection by posting this on my blog. I hope this article brings the true heart of ministry into focus for you.

“Facing the Giant of Burn-Out”

To be a servant of Christ requires a great amount of courage. Whether it is your first time helping somebody or you find that you’re reaching a milestone in the ministry - a giant lurks close by. He is peering down at you with a snarl. Fear of this Goliath threatens to tear away at your peace, creating a lot of noise and “busyness”. He holds the weapon of “indifference” in one hand and is accompanied by an army’s worth of “worry”. How can you, God’s servant, stand against such opposition?

Standing sometimes means knowing who you are and who you are not . When given an opportunity to serve, what determines your answer? Does your calendar decide? Do emotions play a part? What about guilt? Our relationship with the Lord should always precede any work we do for Him. Throwing the stone of “priority” will hit that giant between the eyes every time. God’s Word tells us that our relationship with Him should always come first. Next in line should be our spouse, then children, and finally work. Trailing behind each of these roles and interwoven into every one of them is ministry. Anything outside of these parameters moves us off balance, giving our enemy an excellent chance to knock us on the ground.

Serving in your giftedness is a great way to keep the giant’s weapon of indifference from hardening your heart. If he can’t keep you from serving God, he will work to take away your joy. Understanding how you are wired and the spiritual gift you have been given makes serving an exciting adventure. “Passion” is the stone needed to fight monotony. Throw with accuracy. The Holy Spirit works powerfully through a vessel serving in her spiritual gift.

Last, but not least is the stone of “prayer” which can effectively ward off worry. As God molds us more into the likeness of Christ, we begin to operate with His heart. Compassion pours out of us like never before, leaving no room for anxiety. Prayer provides us with an opportunity to talk with God about the severity of every need. Loving with God’s heart can feel overwhelming when we don’t tap into the Source through the gift of prayer. Every step taken for God’s Kingdom is most successful when empowered by the One who issues the call.

Faith put to action serves many purposes. Lives are touched, and hearts are changed through the faithfulness of God’s servants. You may be hearing God’s call for the first time, or as a seasoned saint you are discovering a new season around the bend. Wherever you find yourself, discover what pleases God, and live out His priorities for your life. Move in your giftedness, and you’ll be surprised to find passion lightening the load. Pray like you need help for your next breath, because you do.

Be strong and courageous. When Goliath calls your name, you can stand knowing that the God you serve will pack a powerful punch behind every one of those stones.

Thursday, July 12

My Friend Joanne

I'd like to write today about a special friend from my past. Yes, she's another Joanne, and I'm afraid to say that she is just as nutty. (Maybe even a bit nuttier than I am - hard to believe I know.)

Joanne and I used to parade around the Gilroy High School campus, laughing at everything and everyone we would see. We were quite a sight, Joanne being 6ft, and I being a measly 5ft 2in. Two blond bombshells (we wished) scaring up trouble and trying to survive the coma of adolescence. There was never a dull moment when we were together. We had some really good times.

Okay, like the afternoons in typing class, when Joanne and I would literally be separated because we couldn't stop laughing. "I like your hair Ms. Hines!" That poor teacher. Teenagers can be monsters. We were a couple of blond doozies "if you will".

And then let me also mention the time when Joanne came to visit Mark and I, and that guy fell in the airport. Poor guy, his legs just fell right out from underneath him, and he tried getting up without skiping a beat. He didn't have a chance with our giggles lingering by. I've never seen a suitcase make that kind of a manuever.

And don't let me forget our lunchtimes racing to McDonald's or Taco Bell in Joanne's bronze bomber. That car made so much noise - everyone knew when we were coming. The Camaro's and the Mustang's had nothing on us. And yes, the car really was bronze.

Hand in hand we were awkwardly stumbling through a society of teenagers, trying desperately to find our place in this world. My fondest memory of the time spent with Joanne was her family life. Joanne was raised in a Christian home (and I was not). There was something that always drew me to her family, making me ache for the kind of peace that filled her home. What was it? The house in the country on a hill? Maybe it was the fact that the family didn't own a T.V. I envied Joanne, and I didn't really know why.

Being in a relationship with Jesus Christ all of these years later, I can look back and recognize what it was that caught my eye. Peace, harmony, love . . . His presence in that quiet home. My oppressive environment and chaotic family life made the contrast of a Christ centered home very obvious.

Joanne and I have made contact again, and I just love catching up with her over the phone. There is something so comforting about her familiar voice - it makes me feel at home. It brings me back to those forgotten pockets of time. There is nothing about my adolescence that I would choose to go back to, believe me. But when you have a past filled with darkness, it makes the Light of the present day shine so much brighter.

Thank you Joanne, for being a candle in my life. I can't think about you without giggling. Your friendship has always brought me so much joy.

By the way I am praying for you - just like you prayed for me all those years ago.

Wednesday, July 11


I am choosing to be honest and real about where I am today. It's not a pretty place, so proceed with caution.

Disenchantment . . . ever feel this way? I do, in fact I have been feeling this way for quite some time now. There have been a series of little knives - a wounding, a silence and a squashing here and there. For the cause of . . . what? I don't even remember anymore.

It is so easy to operate on automatic pilot. To say all the right things, to smile in just the right way, so that no one will know any different. The person I have been best at fooling is myself. I have been battling this demon for some time now. The spirit of disenchantment threatens to overtake me, and I need your prayers.

Blatant honesty, being vulnerable and real. This is what God requires of me. This blog entry might not make very much sense to any of my readers, but please know that it makes a lot of sense to God - and please pray.

By the way, it's Wednesday. Don't forget to fast and pray for our church today. And get in on those July Harvest training sessions if time permits. Much preparation is needed for the work God desires to do.

Tuesday, July 10

The Appointed Day

I stand on the edge of an incredible precipice. I hear His call, and my body shakes uncontrollably. "You want me to what Lord?" This is my feeble response.

There are three habits I was hoping to master during my month off. So far, I've pretty much got two of them down. Practicing my guitar, and posting a blog entry every day. So what is the third? Okay, are you ready for this? Procrastination has come to an abrupt halt.

I crack my knuckles and take in a deep breath. To say it out loud really commits me. Everyone who reads this is going to keep me accountable to this new project. I think back to Pastor Dave's sermon on June 10:

1. God wants to call you to do something for which you feel completely inadequate.

2. God wants to put you in a position to live and act with integrity, when on one would ever know if you acted differently.

3. God wants to call you to take a step of faith so big that unless He comes through you will utterly fail.

4. God wants to place your life and your future in the hands of someone trustworthy.

Okay, enough stalling. I am going to begin the quest of . . . writing Bible studies. My head spins, my stomach tightens. How in the world will I even begin?

I think back to my guitar, and how awkward it felt when I first picked it up. Through the months I have literally had to push past the pain, working to strengthen my hands and form callouses. Pushing past the fear of failure and the pain - this was key. I am hoping this new writing adventure will prove to be much the same. I provide the time and effort, sweat and tears - and God will provide the miracle . . . the music.

Please pray for me, and do keep me accountable. This will be a lifelong journey, so I don't expect to be pumping out publications right away. But ask me, "How is your special project coming along?" This will help keep me on track for days when the fear and pain seem to be winning.

"Grace Expressed Through Movement" . . . it is one of dozens of phrases floating around in this melon of mine. What should I start with first? It think it would be wise for me to begin on my knees.

Scratch that, I'll begin on my face.

Monday, July 9

Who is He to You?

Something grabbed me today out of my Oswald Chambers devotional. Something grabs me most mornings, but I thought I would write a bit about what stirred my heart today.

This question was posed: "Do I really dare to let God be to me all that He says He will be?"

I have been on an intimate search of God and His attributes for quiet some time now. There is something so powerful about seeing God for who He claims to be. It changes everything. Especially me.

I have tried getting into the habit of thinking on an attribute per day. If I am needing a lap to crawl into on a particular day, I remember that He is my Everlasting Father. When circumstances of change swirl out of control, I stand of the promise that He is my Rock. If I am tempted to idolize somebody or something, I am reminded that He is a Jealous God . . . and so on. This exercise has opened my awareness of God's working in my life. He really IS all of these things to me and SO MUCH MORE.

Recognizing who God is also gives me a clear picture of who I am. If He is my Everlasing Father, then I must be a beloved daughter. If He is my Rock, then I can stand firm. If He is a Jealous God, that means that He desperately desires all of my attention and affection. Amazing, isn't it?

So who is God to you today? Your Wonderful Counselor, maybe your Prince of Peace? Go ahead, and dare to let God be to you who He claims to be. The Holy Spirit will cultivate an intimacy between you and Jesus that will put God where He belongs in your life - FIRST.

Today, I am needing direction, so I will call upon the One who is Wisdom. This must mean that I, being the one on the receiving end of wisdom, can become someone who is reverent, teachable, humble and listening.

At His Feet - what an incredible place to be.

Sunday, July 8

The Inevitable

It's happening again. Just when I think I have God all figured out, He pulls another one over on me. People say that death and taxes are inevitable. I guess I would have to agree, but I'd like to add something more. The LOVE of God moving through seasons of change - this is another inevitable.

I am writing today to somebody I hope will read this. Out of habit, I have been looking to wave at her with every tan colored Durango that passes by. There are hundreds of them - they are everywhere. When I'd give a glance before, sometimes it would be her, and other times not. But painfully I realize that this season of change is going to mean that there will be a whole lot more "nots".

I miss my Shero . . . what can I say? There is this unimaginable void when I think of going into the office. No Kim? Oh, you mean she's at lunch? Running an errand? She'll be back tomorrow, right? Silence . . . a deafening silence - meaning that she is not coming back. I think I understand now what Pastor Dave meant when he said that "we" are the church. It just isn't going to be the same without Kim. I personally feel like someone tore off a whole wall, or uprooted a beautiful tree . . . or stopped watering a plant. (I do hope somebody will step in and water poor Charlie.)

Don't get me wrong, I know that God has called her to greener pastures. He has great plans for her and her family. But I miss her already. I miss her smile, her laugh, her hug, her listening ear. She has been with me through some really difficult days. We've laughed together at nothing, and we've shared tears of frustration and heartache. She is always encouraging me, and always loving me right where I am.

Why do I share all of this? Because I hope to drive home a point. When God knits hearts together for the sake of building His Kingdom - those ties run deep. I can honestly say that I am surprised by the tears that are pouring out of my face right now. LOVE does that. It moves in and out of any kind of a box we try to put it in. When two or more gather together for the sake of building His Kingdom, LOVE is inevitable.

I am praying for you my Shero. Keep in touch . . . and know how much you are loved and missed over here. You are stepping into a new season of promise and provision. And you will soar like God always intended.