I stood on the edge of a precipice. Jumping would mean the possibility of death - but then again, so would not jumping. Keeping it safe probably wouldn't end so violently, but beneath the surface I would suffocate. Hearing God's gentle nudge to take the leap sends my heart to my throat. No turning back. Both ways seem hopeless and bleak, so which to take?
Then I hear the answer in a sweet breezy hush. "Peace my child, where is your peace?"
So I jump . . .
Interpretation can be pretty important, especially when it comes to discerning God's will. A visit to the Bible bookstore displays dozens of translations, bridging our heart to God's. From the beautiful language of the King James, to the story form of The Living, interpretation can take on a life of it's own. The secret is not becoming familiar with the language of that day, but to understand who God was writing to and why. This is a vital step in the studying process.
It is too easy to skip to application without taking the time to interpret.
Interpreting takes a serious comittment before we can really gain any ground. Devotional reading has it's place among the quiet time buffet - but what happened to dirt digging studying? Anybody else hungry for meat?
Which interpretation of your life are you receiving today? God's or your own? Does jumping seem too expensive? Trust me, it will cost you everything. But your wings will catch air as you embrace God's dream for your life.
Take the wonder of it all in. Wisdom means choosing right.