Thursday, August 14


But wisdom is proved by her right actions. ~ Matthew 11:19b

I stood on the edge of a precipice. Jumping would mean the possibility of death - but then again, so would not jumping. Keeping it safe probably wouldn't end so violently, but beneath the surface I would suffocate. Hearing God's gentle nudge to take the leap sends my heart to my throat. No turning back. Both ways seem hopeless and bleak, so which to take?

Then I hear the answer in a sweet breezy hush. "Peace my child, where is your peace?"

So I jump . . .

Interpretation can be pretty important, especially when it comes to discerning God's will. A visit to the Bible bookstore displays dozens of translations, bridging our heart to God's. From the beautiful language of the King James, to the story form of The Living, interpretation can take on a life of it's own. The secret is not becoming familiar with the language of that day, but to understand who God was writing to and why. This is a vital step in the studying process.

It is too easy to skip to application without taking the time to interpret.

Interpreting takes a serious comittment before we can really gain any ground. Devotional reading has it's place among the quiet time buffet - but what happened to dirt digging studying? Anybody else hungry for meat?

Which interpretation of your life are you receiving today? God's or your own? Does jumping seem too expensive? Trust me, it will cost you everything. But your wings will catch air as you embrace God's dream for your life.

Take the wonder of it all in. Wisdom means choosing right.

Wednesday, August 13


Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 10:32

What would you be willing to pay to follow Christ?

It was my turn to pay for the groceries. After I had endured a line a mile long, the checker sent me a sheepish smile. My two little ones wove in and out between myself, the grocery cart and every other obstacle they could find. One wanting gum, the other wanting to help. With a swipe of my ATM card, I glanced at the groceries that now had to be bagged, trucked home and put into cupboards. The price to pay was more than cash. Sanity and bounds of time and energy were also on the line.

It got me thinking about how much we misinterpret cost. It is easy to haphazardly stand in line for the many opportunities life dishes out, without really weighing our shopping cart. Let's see, I'll take a little bit of that to fill my Wednesday nights, and oh that Saturday afternoon commitment is looking tasty. Before we know it, we are knee deep in chaos, and wonder if we'll have enough steam to make it back home.

What would you be willing to pay to follow Christ? Matthew chapter 10 is full of very expensive items. Let's fill our shopping cart with God's display. His twelve disciples were given the following challenges. This is what following Him would require:

- courage to drive out evil
- certainty of the call
- ears to listen to instruction
- freely give / freely receive
- leave all security behind
- discernment, wisdom
- aim to please God not people
- leave the outcome to God
- be sharp and repentant
- stand in spiritual battle
- prepare for persecution and hate
- rely on God's words spoken through you
- be ready for the next move
- stay humble and teachable
- do not fear
- speak of what God has done
- do not fear death
- know your value
- acknowledge God before men
- hold family ties loosely
- take up your cross
- all of your love
- feed, clothe and hydrate the least of these

Nothing is quite as satisfying as home newly stocked with groceries. Ready for the week ahead, knowing that your needs will be met is a great feeling. It is the same with our response to God's call. While the cost may seem a mile long, there is nothing in the world that beats the soul satisfaction of following Him.

What should you be adding to your list today? Is there something in particular that God wants tucked into the cupboard of your heart? Weighing the cost is an important step. Following Jesus requires far more than we have to give, so I encourage you to tap into the resources of the Holy Spirit.

Lose the distractions. Your inheritance awaits you.

Tuesday, August 12


Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ~ Matthew 11:29,30

My view of God can often be skewed. Instead of the loving Father the Bible says He is, I seek to find an unbendable, authoritarian army sergeant, just waiting for me to make a wrong move. My motivation to please Him stems from fear. Not the healthy reverential kind of fear, but a fear that expects the bomb to drop at any moment.

I noticed myself falling into an old familiar pattern yesterday. Contemplating a decision of enormous proportion, I assumed I had it all figured out. God requires A . . . plus my response, which would be B . . . which of course equals C. Right?

I had indeed heard from God, and my tendency is to run like the wind in the direction of His prompting. No linger around for confirmation - why wait? If the band aid must come off, why not rip it off and get it over with?

But after thinking about what God's Word says about His character, something wasn't adding up. God is never in a hurry, so why was I obeying at the speed of light?

Obedience is key in keeping in step with our Heavenly Father. But I think it is important to dialogue with God about His timing, and to seek clarity and confirmation through His Word before bolting for the door. More than a hand salute, God wants wholehearted trust.

We serve a God who is very much pressed to perfection, wearing the greatest medals of honor. But unlike a drill sergeant, God is a loving Father, wanting us to see His heart more than His hand.

Who are you saluting today? Your perception of God - or the God of the Bible?

The difference, my friend, can make all the difference in the world.

Monday, August 11


"Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." ~ Matthew 7:24

As summer winds down and my kids head back to school, I will be taking my own seat at the school desk. With God's call to write, I've taken a good look at the industry, and what it will mean to really pursue my dream. If I've learned anything at all, it is just how much I still don't know.

I have longed, for years, to really sit down and study the Bible. Topical studies and book studies have been great, but they just haven't been able to reach the deep itch I have inside - to know God through His Word. Many things have attributed to my procrastination. I could get down on myself for waiting so long, but instead I choose to recognize God's perfect timing as I crack the books.

I've decided to begin a book called, "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth." With my dictionary as my companion, I work to uncover words like exegesis and hermeneutics. (Kind of overwhelming, I know.) There was something that caught my eye this morning, as I began this edge of my seat adventure. It was written in the first page or two, and said:

"The problem is not understanding the Bible, but obeying it -- putting it into practice."

Ouch. Obedience is key to developing that love relationship with God. Are you being obedient to God's precepts today? What have you known about for years, but still haven't applied to your life?

Knowledge puffs up. It is not necessarily how much we know. It is more about how much we practice.

What are you practicing today?

Sunday, August 10

One Line

One seemingly harmless little line. Who would've thought that it could alter eternity?

There are sometimes places God beckons us to -- forcing us to leave what is comfortable and familiar behind. I won't share specifics just yet, but let's just say that I've drawn a line in the sand.

A revelation from God this weekend came while camping with the Jr. High group. It was not what I was expecting, and I have to say that I still sit with my jaw wide open. His message was clear. His message pierced my heart. His message will change everything.

To my faithful readers, please pray for me. The decision is so new and fragile. Like a line drawn in the sand, one tide rushing in has potential to wipe my new commitment clear out.

Answering God's call does indeed demand all.

If God has been nudging you about something, maybe it is time for you to take action too. You are in good company . . . God's presence is the real deal.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. ~ Deut. 31:8