Thursday, December 27


Okay, I have to admit it.  Not posting for a few days makes me feel really panicky.  I guess I am disclosing probably a little bit too much about how wacky this girl can be.  So many times my fingers have wanted to rest on the keyboard.  The feeling was very much like restless leg syndrome.  There was a tingling, agitated feeling.  My fingers just couldn't sit still, my mind went from one subject to another.  But amidst feeling like I was forgetting something . . . something important like a pair of glasses or a child . . . I forced myself to take a break.

Ah, how great it feels to slip back into motion.  The sound of my keyboard tapping, the rest of my right thumb on the space bar . . . how wonderfully my thoughts seem to flow onto the screen like rushing water.  How I love to write.  It doesn't matter what I am writing about, or who I am writing for.  Composing a paragraph, editing a document, correcting a sentence - it matters none to me!  Communicating with words is absolute bliss.  I know that I know that this is what I was made to do.

Aside from wanting to take a little break, I have been toying with the idea of altering things a bit.  Now that I have successfully created the habit of writing a bit each day, I think it is time for me to take things to the next level.  There are writing projects I have really wanted to work on - and I feel the Holy Spirit's nudge, saying that the moment is now.  Why would I want to wait another minute?  

So for the next couple of days, I will be in prayer about which direction to take.  I will be changing my blog somewhat - or possibly creating a brand new one.  Hopefully, this new project will have a different look and feel.  My plan is to begin writing on purpose, with an end in mind.  I am not really much of a talker, but when it comes to the keyboard and a couple of minutes of quiet - there is obviously a whole lot I have to say.  I look forward to seeing how God will use this new found passion of mine.

For those of you who have hung around, and have put up with my mood swings - I thank you.  It must be the author in me that gets excited with the thought of people actually reading my stuff.  I am not looking to get published necessarily, but if that ends up being a part of God's plan - I have to be honest and say that I will have no complaints.

I look forward to beginning this new year with a revolution of my own.  A new writing project or two, all to the glory of the One who is worthy of every last word.

To my readers, you are loved very much.  I send a heartfelt aloha . . . hello and good-bye.  Yes, just like my toe dipping into that blog all of those months ago - this sentiment feels just right.

Sunday, December 23


No format today. With Christmas literally right around the corner, I am in the throws of baking cookies and tending to some last minute wrapping.

I've got some family staying with me tonight, helping me welcome Santa and all of those reindeer. I could very easily let the complication and pain of family drama bring me down - but not this night. There is far too much to be thankful for.

I am thankful for my health and that of my family's. I am thankful that Mark and I both have great jobs, that my kids have some special surprises tucked under the tree . . . and most of all, I am thankful for Jesus - like Pastor Dave said today . . .

"He's here!"

There is a line in my favorite movie of all time called Overboard. I won't go into the details, but Goldie Hawn discovers that Kurt Russel (her real life love) has returned to rescue her. It is in this moment that she whispers, "He's here!!" Gets me every time.

I feel very much the same about the idea that Jesus is right here. My pulse quickens and my eyes twinkle. I am bouncing up and down, just waiting for His rescue.

Jesus is not only the reason for the season, He is THE REASON.