Saturday, September 29

Rap Song

I had a very interesting thing happen today. Saturday is my grocery shopping day (most weekends anyway). Mark and I take turns going, and this week it was my turn. So after getting myself and the house put together, I headed to Costco. Then I was off to Food Maxx (for maximum discount savings) only to land at Safeway for meat.

It was a typical day. Going early in the day kept the crowds to a dull roar. I was in and out of each store quickly, able to pick up the items I needed without much trouble. An ordinary grocery shopping kind of day didn't have me prepared for what I would see next. At my last stop, I wasn't expecting to be changed from the inside out.

As I stepped into Safeway, my eyes and ears landed on the most peculiar scene. Now I know that Safeway is at the tail end of their remodel. I have to admit, at first - I hated it. Everything seemed so dark and gloomy. But now that I have gotten used to it, I can appreciate the "at home" feel. On this particular Saturday, I wasn't exasperated by the illuminated signs, nor did the longer aisles catch my fancy. What I saw today, was a bold and courageous warrior of God.

Positioned in front of the store, just a few feet shy of the check out lines, stood a stocky man with a microphone. He looked a little bit on the rough side, sporting street-kid looking clothes and tattoos up the wazoo. They had some funky rap music playing over the loud speaker, and this guy was belting out the most amazing rhyme.

This beautiful saint of God, spoke words of repentance and rest, salvation and sanctification. Through the boom of the base and the story line of his song - this guy was speaking my language.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing. It was God's name proclaimed, throughout Safeway by the most unsuspecting vessel. It felt like I was in a dream or something . . . I just couldn't wrap my mind around what I was seeing.

As this young man gave it all he had, everyone around me just went along with their business. Nobody stopped to look, everybody just ignored the entertainment, and even worse they ignored his message.

I stood there staring, completely memorized. I didn't know whether to raise my hands or pay for my groceries. God's Spirit rang through that store - and my heart rejoiced.

I decided not to stop to find out about the ministry. But as I walked on by, an older gentlemen was seated close by. He seemed to be accompanying this guy, and was in charge of the sound. His wink in my direction indicated to me, that we may have been the only two in the whole store appreciating the show.

As I walked out to my car, I wondered how in the world these guys got permission to do that. Proclaiming the name of the Lord, preaching repentance and the need for Jesus Christ - all shouted through a microphone in the grocery store.

I discerned God's little nudge. He was showing me that this is what living for Jesus sometimes looks like. You are called to the most ridiculous of places, simply being yourself, and using your heart and your gift to speak God's message. It doesn't matter how people respond. Some may raise an eyebrow, while others shake their head. Then there will be the blessed few, who feel the need to raise a hand.

God's Spirit ministered to a select few today. It was a breathtaking honor to be one of the chosen.

Friday, September 28


As I prepare to step into this new job, I feel the need to organize things at home. Yes, this means that the nesting bug has bitten again. I guess you could say that I am a nester by nature - kind of a homebody really, who likes to work on making the environment a place of beauty and order.

If you've been keeping up with my posts, you probably remember that I have spent spurts of the summer already participating in this whole nesting thing. There is just something about stepping into a new season that makes me want to make sure that there is no stone unturned. Does this make me strange? Maybe so, but I have yet to meet anybody normal. What does normal look like anyway? My guess is that anyone who is considered "normal" would probably be a terrible bore.

I have always been one to creatively express myself in my environment. For example, when I was a little girl, I loved to clean and organize my room. Every so often, I would re-arrange the furniture to give the atmosphere a new feel. I collected little trinkets (always meaningful ones with a story attached), and opted for anything furry or cute to place on my dresser.

When I became a teenager, a very pink and satiny bedspread was my room's focus, while posters of the ballerinas and the latest hunks adorned my walls - watching my every move. I had pink everything - even a pink phone. I wonder what ever happened to that phone . . . and all of that other junk.

As I look around my office tonight, I notice quite a bit of trinkets. Everything I collect has deep meaning to me - and it is usually representative of a way that God has revealed Himself to me. The plethora of items hanging on my walls and resting on my desk look like a bunch of random items. But each one has a story. I'd love to tell you about each one.

There's an idea. I thought about tucking some of this gobbledygook away for the sake of "cleaning". Maybe I could blog about each item before putting it away. That would give me quite a bit to write about, and you would get a better idea of who writes these crazy posts.

I plan on transporting some of the treasures to my new office space on Monday. I also swung by Walmart today, to pick up some picture frames and decorating items to add some color to my new nest. I spent a whole hour there today, just browsing and dreaming.

So what will I write about first? Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow. Killing two birds (cleaning and writing) with one stone sounds very appealing.

It is my hope that each story will open up your awareness of God's presence. He is always very close, and His love can be seen in the simplest of trinkets.

Thursday, September 27


Would somebody please pinch me? I feel like I'm dreaming. If I am, please don't wake me up.

What I write today, will be short - but oh so sweet. When God answers a prayer like the one He has answered for me today, there are really no words. I search for some way to articulate what's in my heart . . . and I only come up dumbfounded and empty handed.

Below is something I posted back in July, articulating my heart's desire to combine some kind of an income with ministry. Since my first incline to find a job, I have interviewed with a couple of places, but those doors were quietly closed. Until today . . .

God has done "the impossible", by inviting me to join the staff of my very own family at New Life! I marvel at His timing, at His tenderness - I don't think I have been this excited about something for long time. Like a glove, this seems like a perfect fit.

Take a peek below, and be my witness to this answer to prayer . . .

"Ministry is my heart, and my life. I pray that God will somehow continue to take care of us financially (He is always so faithful), and allow me to serve wholeheartedly in the ministry. Seem impossible? That's why I smile inside. "The impossible" is God's specialty." (posted July 2)

I had a friend say today that the God we serve is pretty wild . . . and I will have to agree. Putting your life in the hands of the One who spun the oceans into existence, will always guarantee a pretty wild ride.

I will drift off to sleep tonight, in a daydream that through answered prayer - has become this girl's reality.

Wednesday, September 26

Square Peg

Procrastination, I'm great at it. Sure, there are hundreds of little things I get done here and there each week. From cleaning clothes to shopping for groceries, making phone calls to keeping appointments - for the most part my track record is looking pretty good.

But hidden beneath the layer of what some would call success, hides a pocket of responsibility that waits only to gather dust. Procrastination. The "I'll do it later" mentality can at times really chip away at my effectiveness.

Everyone participates in this form of madness in some way or another. A meeting that needs to take place, an item to pick up at the store, and the all too famous deadline that you ask for an extension on. Whether it's taxes or a homework assignment, having a little bit more leeway can really compliment a procrastinator's slump.

After looking a writing deadline square in the eye this morning, I decided to give myself a break. I am working through an on-line writing course. It is preparing me for magazine publication. I am learning so much through each lesson. The exercises are stretching me way outside of my comfort zone, and having me familiarize myself with the writing market.

There are a lot of things in my life that take precedence over this course. With God first, Mark second, family third, job fourth (I speak of house work for now) and ministry fifth . . . my writing is always sandwiched in between somewhere. And for those of you who have been reading my posts - blogging is where I have been depositing my writing energy lately.

I really do try and get the most important things done first. God has been teaching me a lot about prioritizing, and while I'm far from perfect, I like to think I'm making a little bit of progress.

I've come to realize today, that sometimes procrastination can be a product of prioritizing. Stay with me here. If I have project that I am trying to get to, but more important things keep shoving it aside, then maybe the project isn't as important as I thought is was. Either that, or my priorities are all out of whack.

As I read through the assignment this morning, I realized that I have come to a point in the course, where I'm instructed to begin mulling over the following questions. What kind of a writer do you want to be? What do you want to write about? Who do you want to write for?

Every time I sit to work on these particular writing exercises, I don't feel very excited about any of it. I do realize that honing in on a skill and working towards a goal takes hard work . . . but why the procrastination?

So I decided today, that instead of cramming my homework into two days, to get it in on October 1st, I am going to ask for an extension on my deadline. This will not hinder me at all (so I'm told). This way, I can really take the time and pray, asking God what kind of writer He wants me to be.

There is definitely a devotional kind of feel to my writing, but I also enjoy writing fictional stories and non-fiction articles. In peeking at the industry earlier today, the possibilities are endless. I long to be an influential writer, and one of my goals is to someday be published, but in order to get there - I must push past the giant of procrastination.

So what do you need to get done that you keep putting off? Is it some kind of an assignment or a special project you keep hoping to get to? Are other people being affected by your decisions? Is keeping it set aside adding to your character or taking away from it? If you are kicking yourself today because of something you keep putting off, I want to encourage you to give yourself a break.

Maybe the square peg of what I am trying to work on, isn't fitting so well into the rounded purpose God has destined for me. It could be that magazine writing is not my thing - and the great part? That would be okay. I still plan on completing this course, because if nothing else, it is teaching me what I'm not so much about.

Procrastination - instead of being productivity's greatest enemy . . . can also be interpreted as God's little indicator.

Tuesday, September 25


I'd like to write today about the shifting of the sand, about a new season soon approaching. It will be bringing alterations and change to every aspect of my life. When you've been in God's waiting room for as long as I have (as I'm sure that most of you have), you can be pretty stunned when your name is finally called.

I can think of so many times in my life when God has sat me down and asked me to wait. Some of my favorite examples are: watching my tummy grow as my children were formed in secret, waiting on a letter from someone special (namely Mordecai) and even waiting for a meal while sitting in my favorite restaurant.

Then there have been times when waiting has been excruciating. Waiting to find out my Grandma's diagnosis . . . to discover that cancer would call her home. Waiting for clear direction when I don't know what my life means anymore, and purpose seems to dangle just above my head like a feather. Waiting to get healthy again - this was a really difficult one for me. Every day I would get a little bit stronger. But during that long drawn out winter, the pace was pretty discouraging.

No matter what it has been that I've been waiting for, God has always been faithful to hang out with me in that quiet room. He listens to my dreams, he puts up with my bantering . . . and best of all - He molds and shapes my heart more and more into the likeness of his Son.

So what are you waiting for today? Is it a job you are hoping to get? Maybe you would like a friendship to develop a little bit faster, or you are hoping to find out what awaits you around the next bend.

Don't rush past this period of waiting too soon. For while it seems to take an eternity to break through what you are waiting for, in hind sight it always goes too quickly - just like the growth of our kids.

I can remember when my kids were babies, when I was in the throws of diapers and spit up. There were days when being a mommy felt like a prison sentence (I know that sounds a bit harsh, but Matthew was colicky for almost six months). Before you know it, your last baby is not a baby anymore, and you suddenly discover that you have no need to cruise the diaper aisle in the supermarket.

Whatever you find yourself waiting for, take heart. As you wait upon the Lord, you will discover a new strength. God's Word promises so. Cherish this waiting time. God is still working, even though you may not be able to discern any movement.

Before you know it, your name will be called - and those tickling feathers of ambiguity will become a thing of the past.

Monday, September 24


He doesn't remember.

I stood in the bathroom this morning, primping and pruning from head to toe. Blow drying my hair, applying the right amount of lip gloss . . . all of this makes me look pretty polished on the outside. Most of the time, I can even convince myself that I have it all together.

But every once in a while, in His tender love, God will remove the make-up and reveal what's really going on inside. The truth of the matter is that I am a sinner, saved by grace.

Underneath the smile, is a girl who's broken. She will sometimes be harboring terrible pain, and at other times striving to overcome insurmountable obstacles. Her thoughts have a tendency to hinge on self pity or judgement. She is easily tempted to think the wrong kind of thoughts, everything that opposes the beauty of what's pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy - you get the picture. At times, she can be downright self serving, stingy, pushy, intolerant . . . I speak of the woman I used to be before Christ rescued me.

But these days, I have been delivered from that miserable existence. So why do I keep behaving like her?

I got to thinking this morning, about some of my mistakes from the past. We all have them, things we wish we hadn't done, people we wish we hadn't hurt - bridges we've burned. I was reminding God of where I had been in my life, and all of the lousy things I've done, wondering how in the world He can be using me for ministry.

My thoughts went something like this, "There was that time God, when I did this and I did that - don't you remember that? Don't you remember how I broke your heart?"

"And then there was the time when I was quiet when I should have spoken up - when all I cared about was myself. You remember that don't you?"

Silence was all I heard, followed by the most amazing three words . . .

"I don't remember."

I stood dumbfounded. God doesn't remember? I am in absolute awe of this concept. The God of the universe, my Creator and Heavenly Father - the one who was present during the worst of my sin - because of what Jesus has done, HE IS CHOOSING not to remember any of it. God (the One able to carry out my judgement) chooses to forget.

I began to realize that I have been walking around for far too long, believing that I am a product of my poor choices. The enemy is constantly having me believe that I will never change - that I will always be stuck in this rut. But God's Word offers a new way of thinking.

What are you holding on to, that God has long forgotten about? If Jesus Christ is the Lord of your life, then God doesn't give one thought to all of the terrible mistakes you've made.

My dear friend, then why in the world should you?

Sunday, September 23


I decided to sleep in this morning, after a particularly late night. I like to think I am doing myself a favor, dozing during my quiet time. But it never fails, I always pay for the compromise later. Unfortunately, so does everyone else.

I have been a little bit on edge all day - working diligently to get my grocery shopping done, and to get my house spotless in preparation for the week ahead. Really, couldn't I have planned a little bit better than that? As I vacuumed up lint and scrubbed toilets this afternoon (for what seemed like an eternity), I vowed to never leave my housework for Sunday night again.

Usually, I will work to polish things at the end of the week, not the beginning. Fridays are my cleaning days. But for the past two Fridays, more important things have come up. Relationship kinds of things. Last week Mark was on vacation, so I decided to save the scrubbing for later. And this week, an invitation to join my Dad for lunch took precedence. Our lounge around the Guitar Center afterwards really beat those dust bunnies.

As I think back on my day, I know where I went wrong. No, I didn't end up in jail, and there wasn't any blood on my hands to speak of. But I still went from one chore to the next, a little bit on the cranky side. About mid afternoon, when my chores seemed insurmountable, I took a deep breath, and prayed that God would sustain me. I thought (more than once) about leaving the mess to go and curl up in my favorite chair. But my "can do" attitude kept me from stopping long enough.

I have been looking forward to this moment all day. My kids are finally in bed, Mark is out playing cards . . . and I'll be making a running jump for that chair.

I'd like to write more specifically about the kind of compromises I made today. It would be great for me to give you the definition, and every translation of the word compromise - but see that would be one more compromise I just couldn't take.

God is sitting in that chair. He's been waiting patiently for me all day - wanting to refresh me with His Word. I think I'll pour myself a tall class of water, kick my shoes off and stay a while.

I can't wait to find out what I've missed.