Sunday, October 28


I posed a question to some friends today, and it was so interesting how each of us took it a different way. The focus was on a particular word - the same word, but different perceptions. It got me thinking about how our past experiences can really filter what we hear.

While one person considered the phrase to be cute and comforting, another found it downright uncomfortable, and maybe even a little bit offensive. I didn't mean to set anybodies teeth on edge, but I can see now why a different choice of words might have been more fitting.

Despite the different viewpoints, God still worked in amazing ways to bring our hearts together. As we wrestled with this concept, hurts were revealed, and some sin was exposed. We all got to know each other on a more intimate level, and I cherish the tenderness of our time together.

God has really been showing me the importance of choosing the right words. So often I will just speak from my heart, and what comes out is not always what somebody else hears. I find great comfort in the grace a friend in Christ extends. While my words may be a tangled up mess, somebody who knows my heart can see through the disarray.

To my dear friends who were present today, I love you all very much. I am challenged and inspired by your stories, and by your life. You encourage me to live out the faith I profess - and I am so grateful to be the recipient of that frosty glass of milk.

Loving as God loves means having the courage to spit that word or two out. Being His hands and His heart means embracing one another right where we find ourselves. I wouldn't change a single thing about this particular group of friends.

For our differences spur us on to love as God does; without reservation - and without fail.

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