Thursday, November 1


Ever have something totally random seem to be a theme for the week? For some reason, the need for batteries keeps presenting itself. With it usually comes a small level of anxiety, due to the fact that more times than not, we are close to being out.

You are probably wondering how the concept of batteries followed me around like a bass drumming bunny this week. Well, let me tell you, I'd be happy to share my tale.

It began with an order for 48 nine-volt batteries for the office. As I clicked to place the order, it seemed like overkill with a bill of close to $200.00. I buzzed the person needing them and made sure she really wanted that many. "Yes, that sounds great!" was the reply. I shrugged and proceeded to the checkout screen.

Then the issue of my camera. Early this year Mark and I finally decided to purchase a digital camera. We went with one of the HP cameras . . . the package included a printer, a camera and a loading dock (my name for it) all for the low price of - well I don't remember now. But I remember it being a really good deal.

The camera has served us well, except for the aggravation with batteries. I really need to order one of the industrial strength kind (the ones that you can charge), so that I am not flying through AA's like a kid with a cold rips through a Kleenex box. I will no sooner take a couple of snapshots, and the darn battery is dying. Drives me crazy.

Then last night when we were heading over to the in laws, we took a quick look for the flashlight. Oh it was in it's place alright - but no batteries. Good one.

Then just a few minutes ago, Matthew came in looking for some AA batteries for his Guitar Hero game. "I think we are pretty much out son," was my response. He decided to take the batteries out of another one of our games. Smart move on his part.

This whole idea of batteries got me thinking about my own batteries. In some ways I too feel like an energy sucker - needing to be re-fueled regularly to keep me kicking. But what if one day I went to the Word, and all of the batteries (or juice) was gone? Where would I be? I'll tell you where I would be - I would be dead.

But the great thing about God's Word is that it never ever runs dry. It provides a continual flow of milk and honey to strengthen my bones and heal my soul. So my advice to myself (and anyone else out there who might be listening), is to lean heavily upon the only unending power source - God's Word.

God's Spirit far exceeds any Costco-sized pack of batteries. His love keeps going, and going and going . . .

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