Friday, November 2


I'd like to send a special thanks out tonight to somebody. This person has been many things to me . . . an encourager, a shoulder, a prayer warrior and a good friend. Like God's love, this person's presence in my life has proven one thing - faithful.

I'd like to disclose this person's identity - but there is really no need, you know who you are. When I have been too busy to keep touch, you have not. When I have dropped my end of the prayer bargain a time or two - you have stayed faithful.

I can't tell you what the encouragement has meant to me. The stories, the Scripture verses, the reminders of God's goodness. Always timely, and very powerful - your messages always point me in the direction of the One who holds it all.

You my friend, are living out God's purposes for your life. You are this church's and this communities best kept secret. And I have the privilege of walking this journey along side of you.

What you see in me is more than I could ever even dream of seeing in myself. Your words are kind, the encouragement steady. I try to live my life on John Maxwell's principle of adding value to people, and over and over again - you have added great value to me.

So this night, I send a wink in your direction . . . and you know that my winks are saved for a select few.

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