Sunday, July 8

The Inevitable

It's happening again. Just when I think I have God all figured out, He pulls another one over on me. People say that death and taxes are inevitable. I guess I would have to agree, but I'd like to add something more. The LOVE of God moving through seasons of change - this is another inevitable.

I am writing today to somebody I hope will read this. Out of habit, I have been looking to wave at her with every tan colored Durango that passes by. There are hundreds of them - they are everywhere. When I'd give a glance before, sometimes it would be her, and other times not. But painfully I realize that this season of change is going to mean that there will be a whole lot more "nots".

I miss my Shero . . . what can I say? There is this unimaginable void when I think of going into the office. No Kim? Oh, you mean she's at lunch? Running an errand? She'll be back tomorrow, right? Silence . . . a deafening silence - meaning that she is not coming back. I think I understand now what Pastor Dave meant when he said that "we" are the church. It just isn't going to be the same without Kim. I personally feel like someone tore off a whole wall, or uprooted a beautiful tree . . . or stopped watering a plant. (I do hope somebody will step in and water poor Charlie.)

Don't get me wrong, I know that God has called her to greener pastures. He has great plans for her and her family. But I miss her already. I miss her smile, her laugh, her hug, her listening ear. She has been with me through some really difficult days. We've laughed together at nothing, and we've shared tears of frustration and heartache. She is always encouraging me, and always loving me right where I am.

Why do I share all of this? Because I hope to drive home a point. When God knits hearts together for the sake of building His Kingdom - those ties run deep. I can honestly say that I am surprised by the tears that are pouring out of my face right now. LOVE does that. It moves in and out of any kind of a box we try to put it in. When two or more gather together for the sake of building His Kingdom, LOVE is inevitable.

I am praying for you my Shero. Keep in touch . . . and know how much you are loved and missed over here. You are stepping into a new season of promise and provision. And you will soar like God always intended.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Thank you My Shero! I miss you too! Yesterday, we went to church and it was really strange walking in and not knowing anyone. I do miss my church. We are still trying to get adjusted. I will go register the kids in school today. Megan starts tomorrow. We are doing well so far. It is definitly beautiful here, but I do miss my family & friends. You hold a place in my heart that will never go away. You are my Shero forever! I am praying for you too. Got to run for now, but I will chat to you soon. Love you!