Saturday, July 14

Don't Miss This

I'd like to share a very intimate and special moment with all of you. It was something I experienced last night during our Harvest Crusade prayer time.

God's presence was so powerful as we gathered together. Every person sitting or standing represented the wonder of variety. We had so many people groups coming together: different denominations, races, experiences and backgrounds - all sharing one thing in common . . . a love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

During the last segment of our time together, we were encouraged to carry the burden of an unsaved loved one to the altar for prayer. I couldn't get there fast enough, as I knelt and wept for the one God had put on my heart. "Thank you . . . thank you . . . " was all I could utter.

After spending the rest of the evening out with some friends, I headed home. When I got there, I looked to see if anybody called. Low and behold, the person I travailed for hours earlier had called me the very moment I knelt at that altar.

Coincidence? I don't think so. Ladies and gentleman, the Spirit of God is on the move. He is going to reveal Himself to us like never before.