Sunday, June 28

Time for Feeds

Something amazing about the Christian writing industry, is the help writers are willing to give one another in the face of competition. Since the moment I decided to join my first critique group, I've had new friends go out of their way to show me the ropes. Hours have been volunteered in order to help me get on my feet.

Recently, I subscribed to a blog that has proved to be wonderfully refreshing with every post. The author shares details about her day, lessons she picks up, with a willingness to look at the difficult parts about life - all with a dynamic message of God's grace! I am truly changed by her prose.

This friend (without even knowing it) has inspired me to set up an RSS feed and to work toward posting daily again. A year or so ago, I had disciplined myself to post to my blog every day. I was amazed at the material God was giving me, not to mention the great practice I was getting at writing.

(Now I cannot make a commitment like that without having some kind of a plan in place. So . . . I will discipline myself NOT TO CHECK MY EMAIL until I have posted for the day. Gulp.)

I send a shout out Holley - your ministry is an inspiration! I hope to follow in your footsteps by discovering the girl inside, and having the courage to give her a voice.

To view Holley's posts, visit

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