Patches of sunlight dance across the grass as we try to avoid the heat. The baseball game begins. We search for a spot in the shade. An ice chest filled with water for hydration, and a squirt bottle filled with water for misting, keep the one hundred plus heat bearable.
But more than trickles of water, are the large and lazy trees shading the sun. These delicate giants offer relief for onlookers. A mild breeze blows in, creating a haven. My daughter pulls out a library book, and begins to read. The book is about hugs. A smile rises from deep within as I rest underneath God's protection.
There are seasons of life that sometimes bring blistering heat. Our hearts seem to sweat blood underneath the scrutiny of unbearable conditions. A job is lost, a loved one dies, a ministry falls flat, a relationship ends. As I sat there yesterday enjoying sunflower seeds and cheering my son on, I realized something.
God's embrace through the difficult times feels very much like that spot in the shade. The temperatures may continue to rise, but if I will let Him, God will bring the shade to rest my weary soul.
The gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit carries a true sense of peace and comfort. And light that once burned, miraculously begins to dance.
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