Friday, November 30


My cousin Jodie's dog had puppies a few days ago. Hours before the delivery, an ultrasound informed her that Sadie was carrying four puppies. Unfortunately not all four are still with us. Just like with a lot of first time litters, two of the puppies didn't make it, leaving us with two - one big and one little.

There I sat today holding that little bundle of fur, mesmerized over God's creation. Tiny paws, itty bitty whiskers and eyes that were closed shut. The puppies were too small to open up and let any light in. Their ears were too new to discern sound. As they cuddled in the dark and quiet shelter of their mother, I saw contentment and fulfillment on furry faces.

These tiny babies struggled to keep their wobbly heads straight. It seemed to take all that they had in them just to inch up and latch on. But once attached to that warm supply of milk, I saw nature at it's best. There is something so intimate and sacred about a nursing mommy - dog, human . . . it really makes no difference. These puppies could not see nor hear - but somehow, they knew where to find lunch.

Like my cousin Jodie said today, "There is something that touches you deep down inside when you hold on of these puppies."

She was right . . . I felt a mix of wonder, amazement, happiness and sadness all at that same time. New life had come from the union two. Sure, science explains it and people witness it with every funeral and newborn cry - but the concept of life and death still grabs on to me like nothing else.

Sacred is the word I will use to describe my encounter today. The death of two, and the life of two . . . you would think things would somehow be all balanced out. But like I read this week, death is not the opposite of life - it is the absence of it. As much as these new babies will be cherished, the fallen puppies are just as missed.

Beauty is most visible amidst terrible pain, and light most illuminating against the backdrop of darkness. Warmth is always most inviting when it's cold, and life is strangely most mesmerizing when surrounded by death.

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