Tuesday, November 13

Mr. Mom

I struggle with what to write about tonight. I guess that is one of the drawbacks of trying to write everyday. Coming up with material can sometimes be a stretch.

I know . . . I will write to thank my wonderful husband. He has decided to take the week off, and with me working and the kids off track - its pretty safe to say that he has been a lot like Mr. Mom. I have to say that the role fits him well, and if we had an apron I'd bet he would look pretty cute in it.

Today was an especially long day. I got off work at 3pm, and then went to get my hair done. I didn't arrive home until after it was already dark, which was a little bit strange. (I am still getting used to the time change.) My wonderful husband spent the day doing laundry, going grocery shopping and he even managed to have a nice hot meal ready when I walked through the door. Honestly, I felt like royalty.

Switching roles has made me really appreciate what it feels like to be taken care of. I am usually on the other side of things, trying to have dinner going when Mark gets home. With the kids in weekday activities, our sit down meals end up being pretty late. After a long hard day it is great to come home to a picked up house and a hot meal.

Mark really blessed me today. There are so many little things he does to show me that he loves me. One of my love languages is "acts of service", so today's attention spoke volumes.

Sometime it's the little things. What speaks love to your spouse? Is it a kind word, a back rub or maybe a surprise gift? "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman is a book I would recommend to any married couple. It is important to understand what makes your spouse tick. God made us all unique, not only in our personality and giftedness - but also in the way we receive love.

Mark may not realize it, but I experienced the tenderness of God this afternoon. One of his love languages is "quality time", which means it's time to end this post so that I can go and plop on the couch next to him.

The marriage relationship was one of God's greatest ideas. At times it can be most challenging, causing us to love without regard to self. But with the Holy Spirit's help it can be so sweet.

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