Friday, October 5


I will be out of town this weekend, which means that I won't be able to post tomorrow. I squirm a little in my seat, knowing that it will but a kink in my stride - but then again, what is the purpose of my stride? To prove something to myself, or to stay consistent with my writing?

God and God alone has given me enough juice to keep posting every day. Whether I have material or not, He always provides me with a little something that I can babble on about. There is no moment insignificant to God, no blessing goes unnoticed when seen with His eyes.

I will have to say that the past hundred days or so have definitely cultivated my awareness of the presence of God. This exercise has forced me to take notice of where He is at work. Whether it has been a wonderfully energizing day, or a lousy drain - God has been faithful. He is working in and out of every single detail. God knows my heart and loves me anyway, and best of all - I could never lose that love.

As I head off to Women of Faith this weekend, I look forward to the worship. I could really do without the messages (although they are funny and inspiring), the paraphernalia they have for sale exceeds our budget right now, and hanging out with girlfriends takes a second to a heartfelt connection with the King. Connecting with Christ in an atmosphere of thousands . . . now that is worth losing a day's post over.

I'm sure that God will give me plenty of writing material this weekend. I will be in crowds of women, so my people watching antennae will be lifted. We have the trip up, and the trip back - and I'm sure there will be a story or two in there. But what I hope to capture most, is the impact God makes on a heart so incredibly desperate for Him.

Whether it ends up being through a strand of dental floss, or the embrace of Thelma Wells - my loving God will keep the stride going . . .

by making Himself unquestionably known.

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