Sunday, September 30


My tootsies are tired tonight. It's been one of those running kind of days for me. But I have not one complaint to speak of. A productive day is my favorite kind of day.

I am not sure what to write about tonight. You can only say so much about worn heels and tuckered out toes. Besides, who really wants to hear about my feet in such detail? They serve me well - I guess on most days. But as far as being the topic of conversation . . . well, minus the pedicure, there's really not much to talk about.

I was able to get my office a little bit tidier tonight, by accumulating all of my scrap pieces of paper onto one wall. I had dozens of Scripture verses, quotes and reminders posted everywhere. I think this is what was keeping my space from looking as tidy as I normally like. With all of them decorating the west wall now, it actually looks like something I've done on purpose. A colorful collage of pictures, drawings and promises now cover the soft blue paint.

Ginger rests quietly on the desk beside me. Yes, I did say on the desk. It is her favorite spot in the whole house. She is able to get up to my eye level while I type away, and she can see out the front window into the cul-de-sac. I've decided it's a battle not really worth fighting. Unless she has muddy feet, I don't mind much.

Well, it must be time to put Ginger's little tootsies to bed. What a gift this day has been.

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