Thursday, October 25


Makayla brought home a strawberry plant last week. It arrived in a rather large pot. With one tiny green speck breaking through, the pot seemed like overkill.

She was so proud - they had planted the seed at school. My little princess, a real live gardener. I do hope she has a green thumb. I decided to place the over sized pot right next to my kitchen window so that we could monitor things. With a little bit of water and some sunlight, this plant has really surprised me.

It is growing like crazy! I will take a look in the morning, and later on that afternoon it looks like a different plant. I marvel at God's creation. How that plant knows that it is supposed to be a strawberry one just baffles me. You could throw all of the science in the world in my direction, but the way I see it - life is an absolute miracle.

I thought the teacher made a good choice by picking a plant with a quick return. If Makayla was instructed to plant an acorn, it would have been a while before we got our oak tree. And with Makayla's attention span (and Mommy's too), we probably would have given up and tossed that bulky container.

The wonder of a seed, the expectation of it's fruit. I know that God will sometimes plant a strawberry seed of truth in my heart, and in minutes it takes root and bears fruit. Gorgeous, shiny, sweet and plump - a fruit of the Spirit is displayed in someone like me. Then there are other precepts that take a lot more time to fully mature. It could seem like years before I see any proof of growth.

The strawberry seeds keep faith interesting . . . they draw us into the wonder and grace of God. But every acorn, and all of those seeds in between serve a good purpose too.

I have found in my life, that it is in the oak-like truths that storms are weathered best.

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