Wednesday, October 24


One of my eyes is blurry this afternoon. I think it might be time to go and rinse out my contact lens. A friend of mine had this happen to her recently, and it wasn't her lenses. Having one eye blurry is a real annoyance.

I have been praying for clarity in my spiritual life lately, and I would have to say that one eye seems a but on the fuzzy side. There are moments when things are crystal clear, and I am certain of the direction God wants me to take. But most of the time, I can't see very far out in front of me. I am squinting through kind of a distorted view . . . due to my own sin and the sins of others.

I will say though, that God has given me a pretty good indication of where not to go. This has been helpful, I mean knowing where not to step is half the battle right? But for a heart that is eager to serve God with everything I have . . . waiting for my marching orders can be quite distressing.

My patience muscles have been really worked lately, through various times of testing and waiting. How is your patience bicep doing? Galatians 5:22 tells us that patience is a fruit of the Spirit. Are those around you able to see God's patience manifest in you? If not, what could you do to bulk it up?

My suggestion? Wait. When the line seems longer than usual, God will have the checker go on a break. When you find yourself watching the clock (or the calender), God will a long-winded storm. Growth takes time, and time is what each piece of fruit we yield requires.

Resting in the palm of His hand . . . that is where this nearsighted girl wants to be. Surrendered to His will, I can be certain that every one of my footsteps will be eternally mapped out . . .

whether I can see the road or not.

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