Sunday, November 4


If you have been checking in now and then, you are well aware of the fact that I find myself in kind of a strange place. There is nothing really very familiar about where I am standing - in fact, I can't say that I have ever stepped foot along such a path before.

Through some of my posts, and some pretty broken up conversations, I have created descriptions of ambiguity, and confusion - a not knowing where to go. Well, yesterday, God reminded me that I very much do have the answer . . . the piece to this great big puzzle of life. That piece my friends, is Jesus. Nothing added, nothing taken away - simply HIM.

There has been a whisper here, and a notion there - this concept of love has been perched on my shoulder this whole time. God will give one example after another of what living for Him - I mean really living for Him is supposed to look like. This kind of call demands everything, my whole life and more. And the only appropriate response, the only thing that makes a lick of sense would be to fall on my face in surrendered obedience.

I discovered yesterday that I HAVE been receiving God's direction, in fact, it has been following me around all over the place. I find it in everything beautiful, and everything painful all at the same time. It rests in my subconscious, while shouting through the spoken Word of God. It exists in the air that I breath. In and out, it is as natural as taking a breath - and it is as vital as needing that breath.

"You do have the answer . . . you have had it all along . . . " is what the Spirit whispered to me yesterday. The question is, will I trust what I am hearing? Will I be willing to risk it all - for the sake of what really matters?

What does "really matter" anyway? When all of the chips finally fall, and the curtain begins to close - what is the the one thing that will forever remain?

Like Pastor Dave has been preaching through the book of James: faith in action - God's Word in action . . . is that of LOVE. I can't account for anybody else, but this heart has unmistakeably heard the call.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a ~

Uncharted territory? Oh, you'd better believe it. What will something like this mean for you?

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