Thursday, November 8


Today was an emptying kind of day. There was a little pour of myself here, a drop or two there. All in a good day's work.

Not really too much to say today. As I step away from the office to enjoy a nice long weekend, I struggle with putting some of the mental work down. Projects still pending, unfinished business . . . the pushing paper part I have no problem with letting go of. It is the people part that I find lingering.

This is the part that sometimes makes ministry so heavy. People who are hurting that weigh heavy on my heart. Circumstances out of my control - a deep desire to do the best that I can. God knows that I have finished my work week the best way I know how. Now it is time to take that much needed break.

I have surrendered every burden to the One I know will keep things in His safe keeping. I will unload again and again, until my shoulders begin feeling a little bit lighter. It is so great to talk to the Lord about my concerns. He is never in a hurry, never too busy or unconcerned. What a Wonderful Counselor He has been.

So just as I have emptied myself throughout the day, it's time to empty all of the stress and strain I have picked up along the way. I take in a refreshing breath of hope as I step into the weekend, knowing that I'm held by the One who holds it all.

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