Tuesday, September 25


I'd like to write today about the shifting of the sand, about a new season soon approaching. It will be bringing alterations and change to every aspect of my life. When you've been in God's waiting room for as long as I have (as I'm sure that most of you have), you can be pretty stunned when your name is finally called.

I can think of so many times in my life when God has sat me down and asked me to wait. Some of my favorite examples are: watching my tummy grow as my children were formed in secret, waiting on a letter from someone special (namely Mordecai) and even waiting for a meal while sitting in my favorite restaurant.

Then there have been times when waiting has been excruciating. Waiting to find out my Grandma's diagnosis . . . to discover that cancer would call her home. Waiting for clear direction when I don't know what my life means anymore, and purpose seems to dangle just above my head like a feather. Waiting to get healthy again - this was a really difficult one for me. Every day I would get a little bit stronger. But during that long drawn out winter, the pace was pretty discouraging.

No matter what it has been that I've been waiting for, God has always been faithful to hang out with me in that quiet room. He listens to my dreams, he puts up with my bantering . . . and best of all - He molds and shapes my heart more and more into the likeness of his Son.

So what are you waiting for today? Is it a job you are hoping to get? Maybe you would like a friendship to develop a little bit faster, or you are hoping to find out what awaits you around the next bend.

Don't rush past this period of waiting too soon. For while it seems to take an eternity to break through what you are waiting for, in hind sight it always goes too quickly - just like the growth of our kids.

I can remember when my kids were babies, when I was in the throws of diapers and spit up. There were days when being a mommy felt like a prison sentence (I know that sounds a bit harsh, but Matthew was colicky for almost six months). Before you know it, your last baby is not a baby anymore, and you suddenly discover that you have no need to cruise the diaper aisle in the supermarket.

Whatever you find yourself waiting for, take heart. As you wait upon the Lord, you will discover a new strength. God's Word promises so. Cherish this waiting time. God is still working, even though you may not be able to discern any movement.

Before you know it, your name will be called - and those tickling feathers of ambiguity will become a thing of the past.

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