Wednesday, August 5


He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. - Mark 16:15

I think I am ready to begin writing my first book. While I was planning on waiting at least five years ... the enormity of the project has me wondering if starting today might not be a bad idea.

I start this day, by simply making the decision, "I am going to start on my first novel."

Very little training in the craft of writing fiction does have me hesitate a bit. Characterization, plot, structure, deep POV - all of this sends my mind spinning. But there is a protagonist hidden in my heart, waiting to tell her story. Hiding in quiet moments, following me around every hill and turn. I've been chosen for this task and I believe with all my heart that the story is going to tell itself.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the training I've received thus far, and there are endless opportunities to grow in this specialized craft. Like a sponge, I hope to soak every lesson in, letting it drip onto the pages of my masterpiece.

As a result of this new adventure, there may be a slight change in my daily blog posts. Pouring my devotional energies into marketable pieces seems like the next right step. Getting as many eyes as possible to land on the lessons that have been so dear to my heart. I have been commissioned, not to stay in a comfortable box of text - but to go.

I want to invite you along this new journey, one that has me shaking in my shoes. Writing a book means putting yourself out there - many first time writers attribute it to having a new baby. As the wave of morning sickness begin, a twinkle hits my eye with thoughts of seeing God's finished product. One, ten, twenty years ... however long it takes, I am committed to the process.

May God bless you in your own storytelling adventure. As Christians we all have something amazing to share about what God has done.

How will you get your story out?

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