Tuesday, July 21


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. - Hebrews 13:8

During my time away, we went to one of my favorite places - the beach. Constant, stable, tried and true. God's blue bathtub can always be trusted to stay the same. Blue horizon, rolling tides, carrying pieces of seaweed and shells. I dipped my toes in water that felt nothing like a bathtub, and found joy as polished toes found warm sand.

I find comfort in things that stay the same. Especially through seasons of change.

I don't know why change can be so uncomfortable. Is it for the sake of wanting to stay safe? Is predictability what I long to hold? Having a sense of being in control is surely the underlying factor. But change is inevitable. Change means growth, health, promise, and hope.

Change allows the most important things to stay the same.

As I stood on that shoreline the other day, the obvious splashed my ankles, and I realized - the ocean is in a constant state of change. Waves roll in, one after the other, creating a different line in the sand with each trip. Bare feet create a different set of tracks through mounds of sand. Birds fly in, then out. Crabs burrow into new and different holes, seaweed displays a unique collage with every ebb and flow.

Letting go of the sandcastles in my life is a good thing.

As God brings us through the unpredictability of change, there is one constant we can sink our toes into. He never changes. Like the afternoon light that dances on sprays of salty water, God the Father - His character - can always be trusted to stay the same.

Who has God proven to be in your life? Think today, on an attribute of God.

The view is breathtaking.

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