Wednesday, August 13


Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. ~ Matthew 10:32

What would you be willing to pay to follow Christ?

It was my turn to pay for the groceries. After I had endured a line a mile long, the checker sent me a sheepish smile. My two little ones wove in and out between myself, the grocery cart and every other obstacle they could find. One wanting gum, the other wanting to help. With a swipe of my ATM card, I glanced at the groceries that now had to be bagged, trucked home and put into cupboards. The price to pay was more than cash. Sanity and bounds of time and energy were also on the line.

It got me thinking about how much we misinterpret cost. It is easy to haphazardly stand in line for the many opportunities life dishes out, without really weighing our shopping cart. Let's see, I'll take a little bit of that to fill my Wednesday nights, and oh that Saturday afternoon commitment is looking tasty. Before we know it, we are knee deep in chaos, and wonder if we'll have enough steam to make it back home.

What would you be willing to pay to follow Christ? Matthew chapter 10 is full of very expensive items. Let's fill our shopping cart with God's display. His twelve disciples were given the following challenges. This is what following Him would require:

- courage to drive out evil
- certainty of the call
- ears to listen to instruction
- freely give / freely receive
- leave all security behind
- discernment, wisdom
- aim to please God not people
- leave the outcome to God
- be sharp and repentant
- stand in spiritual battle
- prepare for persecution and hate
- rely on God's words spoken through you
- be ready for the next move
- stay humble and teachable
- do not fear
- speak of what God has done
- do not fear death
- know your value
- acknowledge God before men
- hold family ties loosely
- take up your cross
- all of your love
- feed, clothe and hydrate the least of these

Nothing is quite as satisfying as home newly stocked with groceries. Ready for the week ahead, knowing that your needs will be met is a great feeling. It is the same with our response to God's call. While the cost may seem a mile long, there is nothing in the world that beats the soul satisfaction of following Him.

What should you be adding to your list today? Is there something in particular that God wants tucked into the cupboard of your heart? Weighing the cost is an important step. Following Jesus requires far more than we have to give, so I encourage you to tap into the resources of the Holy Spirit.

Lose the distractions. Your inheritance awaits you.

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