Monday, March 24


Back a few Sundays ago, Pastor Dave encouraged us to stand and face our Giants. With a determined heart, and a pocket full of stones, I took my stand. My giant? F-E-A-R

"What if you weren't afraid?"

I've tossed this idea around since last week sometime, after entering a pact with a good friend of mine. Today she sent a challenge my way. It wasn't an arm wrestling kind of thing, nor did I feel threatened by any kind of brain twister. If nothing else, I felt called to rise to a newer and safer place - a place of provision and promise.

My battle with fear. If you've stuck with my posts for any length of time, you have probably been able to trace a pattern. Some days will be sprinkled with a little less than sunshine, while others mirror uncertainty. Wondering too much about this, worrying a bit about that. All of it being something that has not come from God at all. My God wouldn't be recognized in such hum drum. I serve a God who makes all things new.

This is the challenge: To keep each other accountable when fears arise, so that we can pray and encourage one another. Okay, sounds simple enough. So as I began my work day this morning, a familiar dark monster lurked more often than I have ever realized. Regular everyday happenings were triggering some pretty unusual responses. One phone call had me expecting the worst, while another brought thoughts of terrible tragedy - all of which was made up in my head. This exercise has made me realize just how often I entertain these kinds of thoughts. I am tempted to fear just how often!

What a great exercise. I'm sure that I will have sore muscles in the morning, but beyond the pull and strain of implementing God's Truth, I will have a faith stronger and true. If your eyes happen to land here, I send the same challenge in your direction. Do you find yourself fearful now and then? Do you wrestle with exaggerated imaginations that take you down a path of darkness and defeat? You don't have to go it alone.

Find somebody to keep you accountable - a friend who will help you out of that ditch. Some walls were not meant to be scaled alone. Two is better than one -- twice the amount of stones, twice the power behind them.

And when victory is shared, so much greater the return.

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