Monday, November 19


When I got home from work this afternoon, I decided to make a pan of brownies. This was to override another pan that was made last week. See, Mark didn't realize it, but the wrong mix was purchased - leaving an aftertaste in my mouth, and a heaviness in my heart.

I have to admit, I am a very thrifty kind of a shopper. I will either buy the generic brand of something, or whatever is on sale. Aside from a few irresponsible purchases here and there, I guess you could say that I am frugal. But every once in a while, I will splurge on something a little bit more expensive if the generic brand just doesn't cut it. Brownies are a great example.

Being a creature of habit, years ago I was stuck in a rut of buying . . . let's call it the red box of brownie mix. It was all that my Mom had ever bought, so naturally when I grew up and started my own love affair with the red box.

But then one day, I was introduced to the blue box. Richer, moister, chocolaty-er (I know, that isn't really a word) . . . I could hardly believe my mouth. I had to find out which mix this was, and if it was a homemade batch I simply had to have the recipe. When I discovered that it was merely the difference between red and blue, I became puzzled. How could there be that much of a difference? Oh believe you me - there is.

So when I went to the grocery store this weekend, I bought two boxes of blue, which happened to be on sale. It was my way of trumping that red box for good. I shared with my beloved spouse the difference, so I can be pretty sure from now on we won't run into such disgrace.

As I sit and type, my house doesn't just smell like freshly baked brownies, but instead more like a chocolate mountain exploded. I can't wait to dive in after dinner.

I know that tying every little thing to some kind of a spiritual lesson can be viewed by some as over the top, but I love the challenge of trying. Remember now, the red box was generic, cheap and less than a brownie's best. How many other places in my life do I settle for red? Is it because I am stuck in routine? Have I settled for what the generation before has passed down? Maybe I don't even know any different.

The role our friends play along this journey called life is indispensable. Just like all of those years ago, I needed somebody to teach me about the blue box. I was in the dark, putting up with nasty tasting brownies . . . all for what?

In the same way, I need my friends to point out lots of other things that I could never see otherwise. It may be that I am really gullible in one place, or needing to watch my words in another. True friends speak the truth in love. I have a few of these treasured friendships in my life, and they top any brownie - even the ones coated with powdered sugar.

So what about you? Have you discovered the best treat in the world, our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? What are you waiting for? Don't get too caught up in red or blue, He doesn't ever expect a perfected exterior. God is far more concerned with what's inside that box.

If you already know the sweetness of the Spirit's aroma, then take a chance and share the Good News with somebody. You never know . . . you just might be saving a precious soul from the terrible aftertaste of sin.

1 comment:

Michele B said...

Please keep finding those spiritual lessons... I love it!