Thursday, November 22


I won't be writing much tonight, as I have to hit the sack early. Tomorrow morning, before it is really morning . . . I will be hitting the stores with the rest of the crazy people in the world.

It was a lot of fun looking through the sales ads today, writing out my shopping list. My sister-in-law has been at this for years, so she shared her strategy with me this afternoon. Personally I have never participated in such craziness before this, but I figure what the heck? Saving a penny or two can always get my blood a pumping.

It has been a most blessed day. Turkey up to my eyeballs, gravy poured over everything. A wonderful visit with the most important people in the world to me (minus a few).

At the close of this day, I send a prayerful thanks - and look forward to the shopping madness.

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