Monday, October 15


Today's blog will have to be a quick one. I am off to a leadership meeting in a few minutes, and I really don't think I will have much juice left after I get home.

I enjoyed a wonderful day of productivity . . . this might not seem like a big deal to some, but for me, having a productive day is bliss.

Many of the projects I am in charge of at work were all taken care of today - on Monday! I don't know if it is because I am getting a little bit more of a groove going, or if it had to do with less interruptions. Maybe the fact that I didn't have to leave to pick Makayla up in the middle of the afternoon helped.

Whatever it was, or whoever "He was" I should say . . . . God's company was a wonderful comfort.

I was wired to work . . . that is something I am discovering about myself through this experience. When I am contributing to the productivity and well being of a team - I really feel in my element. I don't have to be the one out front, in fact - being behind the scenes is a refreshing change.

As I wrap up another day, my prayer continues to be the same.

. . . Lord, use me as You see fit.

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