Friday, September 21


I spoke with a friend today, about something remarkable. It is something that silently stirs in the hearts of every man woman and child. It is the whisper of something about to happen . . . but what? Do the animals discern what human eyes and ears do not pick up? What about the snails? They could very well have a good indication.

Life in it's essence, bursts forth with hope and the promise of what's ahead. I will often times find myself pondering my next steps - what they will look like, and even more, what I will look like taking them. Questions I ask myself are, "Will other people understand where I am coming from? Do I look as ridiculous as I feel?"

And more important that anything of these combined, I hear God through His Word ask me, "Are your motives pure - and what about your hands, are they clean?"

People speak of the end times drawing near - and if you search for them, there are some pretty heated arguments brewing. The idea of the rapture captivates some, while others shrug their shoulders and move about their day. What if Christ were coming back . . . say tomorrow? Would you choose to live your life differently today?

I realize that I have probably more questions than comments posted today. But I'm hoping you will take notice of something - and that is your heart. Are you right with God? Do you know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if Christ came back at 3pm today you would join Him in the sky?

Friend, you CAN know. Open up your heart to Him - you know you've heard the knock. Being a gentleman, God will not bust down the door. He waits patiently, with hopeful anticipation. That messy room in the secret corner of your heart - it's time to start tidying things up.

For we know not, when that "something" will happen . . .

Every creature great and small will be able to discern. There will be no mistaking His return.

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