Wednesday, June 27

Writers Block

I sit to write today and I have to laugh. Writer's block on my second day blogging? Boy, I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm in trouble.

To write what's on my heart would be a mix of jumbled emotions that probably wouldn't make a lick of sense to anyone else. Ever been there? Starting any of my thoughts from the beginning would take far more time than I have right now, not to mention enough words to fill an encyclopedia. So what do I share?

I'll share the fact that God is as close as ever. He knows every fear that torments me, every dream I hold dear, every act of obedience and every mistake I have made today. And He loves me right here, right where I am - splitting headache and all.

Sometimes I just feel like being quiet. Maybe that is what writer's block is all about . . . the need to curl up in His lap - to be still and to listen.

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