Wednesday, May 6

Sandpaper Scratches

I have really missed posting - but something about where I find myself leaves little room for blogging these days. Trying to weigh out the most important things in life, piling the big rocks in first - often times leave the floor peppered with pebbles and sand. Posting on my blog has become one of the pebbles not making it into my priority jar.

I choose to embrace the season I am in, no matter how confusing and painful it may be. Sharing with my readers will come later - much later. But for now, I cherish my connection with God and others.

Some day soon, I will be able to pour myself into what I was made to do. But for now, I allow God to sand away the rough edges, polishing rough corners (with much elbow grease) so that my writing will best reflect His face.

Not concerned so much anymore with how people perceive me--just shooting for authenticity, messy as it may be.

Selling out is never worth it . . . big rocks should always come first.


Jason Hicks said...

Well said!

Celeste said...

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And your writing becomes more and more beautiful as you are more and more authentic amd true to what God has placed in your heart.

Keep being brave.