Monday, May 5

A Good Read

I turned the last page yesterday, hoping to lull myself to sleep. It was almost midnight, and my body seemed just as jumpy and the pages set before me. The story came to a mind altering crescendo. I was spinning as I turned off the light.

A dear friend of mine invited me to read this Pulitzer prize winner with her. How could I resist? Neither one of us had read this classic, and with our eyes set on becoming writers, reading always seems like good schooling.

I was never much of a reader growing up - labeled a "reading comprehension problem." All through school anytime I was instructed to read, my brain would clam up and my stomach would tighten. Oh sure, I could read okay, but ask me about what I read and I wouldn't have a clue.

I really believe that God has healed me from such discouragement. Nowadays, I can actually pick up a book and genuinely follow along. I know who the author is referring to, and I am able to follow the pronouns and nick names. This has not always been the case.

Reading has become a favorite for me, discovering how amazingly God can heal through the story of another person - real or fiction. I will often times find myself in the shoes of the protagonist, working my way out of this corner or that. I am taken to other lands, and even to other time periods, all while reclining next to my dog Ginger.

If you are like me, and have managed to grow up without reading this story, I encourage you to pick it up. Every book has the potential to stir something new on the inside of you. This book is filled with likable characters and the wonder of adolescence.

If you decide to tag along, you'll be amazed at what's found through the eyes of a young girl some folks like to call Scout.


Kelly Rae said...

I just read it for the first time last summer, and I loved it! Lee has such a great way of pulling you ALL the way into the story.

Joanne Reese said...

I really enjoyed it too. I've kinda gotten used to peeking in on their lives over the past week or so. It looks like I'll have to find another story to lose myself in!

Pride and Prejudice is next on my list. Have you read it?

Sandy Hazenberg said...

I start reading Pride and Prejudice but ended up seeing the movie. Definitely one of my favorites!

Kelly Rae said...

Yes, I think I've gone through most of Jane Austen's stuff-- I tend to exhaust each author as I "discover" them. Loved each and every one. I think P&P or Emma is my favorite.

Kelly Rae said...
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